Plan: Amazing Mazes

Lesson Overview

Students will begin the creation of an Amazing Mazes project in Scratch that will show their understanding of conditionals.

In this first lesson of a three lesson sequence, students will plan out their Amazing Mazes project on paper using a planning guide, then begin building their project using Scratch.


  1. ⭐️ Introduce: Amazing Mazes projects in Scratch (5 min.)

  2. 💥 Mini-Lesson: Conditionals in Scratch (5 min.)

  3. 📝 Plan: Amazing Mazes project on paper (15-20 min.)

  4. 🚧 Build: Amazing Mazes project in Scratch (15-25 min.)

  5. 📓 Reflect: (5 min.)

    • How did the planning guide help you start your project in Scratch?

    • What are you excited to add to your Amazing Mazes project next class?


  • computing devices for all students

  • Amazing Mazes Planning Guide, printed

  • Blue Level Student Workbooks, p. 13

  • Amazing Mazes Scratch studio (teacher-created)

Scratch Project Resources

Amazing Mazes starter projects: sprites & backdrops (no code) / exploded code

Amazing Mazes example project: It's a Maze Game


conditional: a statement that only runs under certain conditions or situations

initialize: assign a starting point for an object

input: any information going into a program

parallelism: sets of instructions that run at the same time


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed.

Additional Resources