History - Part 1

Night Ministry Founding

On September 1, 1964, the Night Ministry commenced as an organized ministry. On November 1, 1964, Rev. Don Stuart and Rev. Chuck Lewis conducted the first night walk on the streets. At the time, Night Ministry was an extension of Christian ministry offered by the San Francisco Council of Churches. 

In 1989, the organization formally incorporated as a California nonprofit as Night Ministry, Inc. and began doing business as the “San Francisco Night Ministry.” Today, Night Ministry is growing further into its status as a religious nonprofit that increases access to spiritual care and community when access is otherwise difficult: at night, on the streets, on the phones, and to the most marginalized residents of San Francisco. Night Ministry is a non-denominational, multifaith, not-for-profit organization.

The major goal of Night Ministry has remained the same: to provide compassionate, non-judgmental pastoral care, counseling, referrals, and crisis intervention to those in need or distress, during the hours of 10PM - 4AM every night of the year. 

Crisis Line to Care Line

Joanne “Jo” Chadwick was the first Coordinator of Crisis Line Counselors. Listen to Jo's stories. Jo firmly established the Crisis Line through years of heart-full service. The Crisis Line was staffed mainly with volunteers from the supporting churches. At times, the Crisis Line Counselors worked shifts to 6:00 AM in the small Night Ministry office space.

In 2019, Night Ministry changed our service to a "Care Line." We still occasionally counsel people in crisis; however, Care Line captures the "sauntering" aspect of our current phone line. We journey with people in their lives and stories in a ministry of presence and accompaniment. 

I'm Listening As Fast As I Can

Donald E. Stuart’s book I’m Listening as Fast as I Can has touched the hearts of many since it was first published in 2003, and Night Ministry is pleased to make this 50th Anniversary edition available.  This book offers an interesting and valuable glimpse into the nightlife of San Francisco in the 1960s and 1970’s and of the “people of the night”.  

In story after story Don Stuart shows how he and San Francisco Night Ministry staff and volunteers responded to those who were facing difficult trials or crises in their lives. This book connects us to our roots, and shows the power of community, compassion and hope.

This 50th Anniversary edition of I’m Listening as Fast as I Can not only honors the early history and work of the Night Ministry, but gives us focus and direction as we move into the future with confidence and hope that those who need a place a turn in the middle of the night will find us. 

Most importantly, this book honors the memory and ministry of Donald Stuart, who died peacefully at the age of 91 surrounded by family on March 5, 2014.  For his service to the church at large; for his compassion toward the most vulnerable among us; and for his vision for Night Ministry which still lives on, I will be ever grateful.  May your reading of this book help you to appreciate Don Stuart’s work and inspire you in your own life of service to others.

       -     Night Minister Emeritus, Rev. Lyle Beckman - Preface

Our History In Video

Shepherd of the Streets.mp4

Shepherd of the Streets

Early Days - 1960s

Copy of NightLife - The Story of SFNM part 1.mp4

Nightlife with Rev. Don Fox

1990s - Early 2000s

SFNM at 50 Years.mp4

50th Anniversary

2014 Website Video

San Francisco Night Ministry.mp4

Night Ministry Today

2019 New Website Launch


Left to right: Rev. Don Fox (third Night Minister), Rev. Lyle Beckman (fourth Night Minister), Rev. Valerie McEntee (fifth Night Minister), Rev. Chuck Lewis (second Night Minister), and Rev. Trent Thornley (Executive Director). Photo: 2019

Nonprofit Evolution

After the 50th Anniversary in 2014, the Governing Board began planning for a significant shift in the operations of Night Ministry. 

In September 2019, Rev. Trent Thornley became the Executive Director. 

Night Ministry is undergoing a metamorphosis as we reorganize. We are living more fully into a recognizable nonprofit structure that offers interfaith and multifaith religious services.

Rekindling Hope (2020) - Trent Thornley Forum Piece

Click here for More History . . .