Meal Train 

Our Meal Train Ministry Motto

At St. Lambert's Church we acknowledge the beauty in needing food. We also recognize that big transitions in life can be overwhelming.
Our goal with the Meal Train Ministry at St. Lambert's Church is to provide meals to ease some of the burden of those big transitions.

Who can receive the meals?

Anyone who is dealing with a big transition in life; this can include (though not limited to) sudden death of a family member, surgery, a family with a new baby in their lives, etc. and a connection to St. Lambert.

How do I sign up to receive meals?

There are printable forms at the St. Lambert Church Office, there is a link to the Google Form on the St. Lambert website, or you can connect with Annamarie (information below) to guide you through the process.   The questions involved are all related to how you would like to receive your food, allergies, address, etc. so that the Meal Train Team can minister to you! We can start the process prior to your time period of receiving meals or when an emergency occurs.

How can I join the Ministry to provide food? How often do I have to provide food?

If you feel called to join the meal train ministry, please use the information below to sign up.  You are only asked to provide food when you are able.  You will be informed of each new meal train as a member of the ministry.

Have more questions or want more information?  Please reach out to Annamarie - she will do her best to answer any inquiries or concerns.

St. Lambert Parish Meal Train

Leanna Elsasser, Team Leader

This form is to help our ministry team to prepare meals for your family. Please fill it out to the best of your ability. 

For food in a world where many walk in hunger;

For faith in a world where many walk in fear;

For friends in a world where many walk alone;

We give you thanks, O Lord.

-Author unknown