Eucharistic Adoration

St Lambert offers Eucharistic Adoration every week From Thursday 9:00 AM till Friday 8:20 AM.

Sign Up Instructions

Signing up for an hour of Adoration has never been easier.

1. Follow the link to sign up now:

2. Click Weekly Commitment and then click the "Sign Up" button next to your preferred time.

Greatest need.  The grayed boxes indicate hours which are currently empty.

Next highest priority are those hours with only one adorer:

3. Enter your name, email, and phone number, then click "Sign Up"

4. You'll then receive an email which will give you further instructions for your commitment.

We are always in need of subs.  If you can not commit weekly but would be open occasionally to be a sub you can sign up with the link as well.  

You are always welcome to stop in anytime during the day to spend a few minutes in the silence with Our Lord.  

Eucharistic Adoration: Finding Jesus in His sacrament of love

Here is a helpful article that was published in the Bishop's Bulletin speaking of Eucharistic Adoration and what a gift it is to us.