Board of Directors
Goals of SEYO
The South East Youth Organization is an instructional league for boys and girls in Second Grade through high school. SEYO organizes games, officials and facilities for youth to participate in sports at all skill levels. SEYO emphasis sportsmanship, fair play and balanced competition across member organizations, team coaches and players. SEYO strives to have the best experience possible for our families.
President Victor Chang (NYS)
Vice President Mark Yokogawa (AFMC)
Secretary Jon Nakagawa (OCBC)
Treasurer Kent Suzuki (SOC)
Gym Commissioner Bob Kubo (OCO)
Winter Commissioner Remy Hernandez & Nina Lao (VFW)
Spring Commissioner Jennifer Villanueva (JETTS)
Web Master John Chiembanchong (VFW) / Calvin Togashi (OCBC)
Score keeping Coordinator Scott Seto (WPC)
SEYO Representatives
Anaheim Revive Church (ARC) - Mark Yokogawa, Curtis Furukido
JETS/JETTS - Jennifer Villanueva, Norman Lau
Norwalk Youth Sports (NYS) - Victor Chang, Blake Chow, Scott Suzuki, Kevin Lee
Orange County Buddhist Church (OCBC) - Bryan Furumoto, Calvin Togashi, Jon Nakagawa, Walt Ando
OCO Club (OCO) - Bob Kubo, Wallace Chan, Joe Niizawa
Suburban Optimist Club (SOC) - Kent Suzuki
Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) - Nina Lao, John Chiembanchong, Carolyn Tanaka, Erin Sugita
Wintersburg Presbyterian Church (WPC) - Mike Tanaka, Scott Seto, Tom Masamitsu