

Interactive app to prepare the STL models for the cranium and mandible to use with the MuscleSelection app.

This app allows to manipulate (rotate and translate) either the cranium, the mandible, or both.

Available as a Matlab App, as well as packaged binary applications for Mac, Windows (soon to come), and Linux (soon to come)


Interactive app to identify and visualize the masticatory adductor muscles (masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid.

You just need the boneModels_*.mat file (that contains the 3D models) created from the stlModelPreparation app. Once the models are loaded, then you can manually identify the cranium and mandible attachments of the masticatory muscles.

Available as Matlab App as well as packaged binary applications for Mac, Windows (soon to come), and Linux (soon to come).

NOTE: These apps are very beta versions. This means that are very preliminary versions of the apps, with many, many bugs. No documentation is available yet, but if you are interested in using the apps and have questions about them, feel free to contact me directly.