Lab members

Pepe Iriarte-Diaz

Associate Professor of Biology (on sabbatical until August 2025)

I am a functional morphologist interested in how animals can produce and control movement. Before joining Sewanee, I was an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I received my PhD from Brown University, where I studied the biomechanics of flight in bats, and then I did a postdoc at the University of Chicago working on the biomechanics of feeding in primates. While  I am originally from Chile, I have been in the US since 2002 when I came for my PhD.

Office:  Spencer Hall 156

Phone |  +1-931-598-1745
email |

Google Scholar | CV

Current Students

Kabir Menon

Kabir started in the lab by participating in the summer research program in 2023, collecting and analyzing flight behavior data of local birds. 

Former Students

How do I join the lab?

I am currently recruiting students, so please send me an email to indicate your interest in joining the lab.

If you are interested in:

then my lab might be the right place for you!

Tips for contacting professors about research

Start early

Scientific research is a slow process that requires significant time commitment. Some projects can last for a semester, some can last a year or more. So if you want to do an honor thesis, present your work at a conference, or publish your research, you will need to set aside enough time to ensure you can succeed. 

Explain why

Keep in mind that professors might get approached by many students and that they have limited time and material resources. When contacting a professor, spend some time considering why you want to do research with them and what interests you about their research.