Part Two: Outreach


The second phase of SHSR is outreach. Phase two consists of educating the local community as well as government officials with the hopes of making long-term changes that will produce more sustainable cities. The education process involves spreading information to local community groups, schools, and government. The education and advocacy are based on our findings as well as the needed implementation of the Marshall Plan for Middle America.

SHU Campus Outreach

The team will focus much of the outreach on campus during the time of the fellowship. Each MCN fellow will give at least one presentation on their expertise to a SHU class. The team plans to host four events (either virtual or in-person) that correlate with SDG 11. One event will be in conjunction with SHU Model UN's SDG Summit.

High School Outreach

Fellows will go to local high schools and speak to upperclassmen about the UN, SDGs, and global citizenship. The presentations will focus on SDG 11: Sustainable Cities but give an overall understanding of environmental issues, social issues, and economic issues. Our visit culminates with an activity that focuses on writing to representatives to encourage them to support and make/pass litigation that is in favor of SDG 11.

Government Outreach

MCN fellows will present research to local Greensburg officials (council members, mayor, etc.), state officials, and potentially federal officials where possible. This will occur at the tail end of the fellowship and continue into spring 2022. The MCN fellows will offer a policy briefing presentation on SDG11, making policy suggestions based on our research about how local government can implement projects to meet SDG11 targets. The lobbying will consist of a policy brief containing the information gathered in phase one of the project. Information is based on the environmental and socio-political impact of sustainable cities and lacks thereof.

The potential impact of this work is huge! The entire state of Pennsylvania could be impacted by SHUstainable Human Settlements and Resources.

Click here to email your elected officials.

Community Outreach

SHSR plans to partner with local organizations such as our watershed foundation and environmental advocates. The Greensburg community will be invited to various campus events. However, the biggest impact on the community will be our Cleanup Day.

As we host events and reach out, this area of the website will host photos and information about our work.