Elections 2020

Welcome Rockets!

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the candidates below.

You can also keep up with campaigns on Instagram by following @studentgovtses .

Elections will take place on Monday, October 12th.

Officers - On election day, you will vote for one candidate for President/VP and one candidate for Secretary.

Dylan James


Cassidy Merica


Grade Level Reps - On election day, you will vote for up to two candidates in your grade.

Paul Heu

11th Grade Rep

Alex Rodriguez

10th Grade Rep

Erika Rodriguez

10th Grade Rep

Jazmyn Sonemanivong

10th Grade Rep

Layla Kelly

9th Grade Rep

Jesus Retes

9th Grade Rep

Lizabeth Acosta

8th Grade Rep

Aliza Favalessa

8th Grade Rep

Matthiya Miller

8th Grade Rep

Christopher O'Bray

7th Grade Rep