Fun Activites

Make sure you have permission from an adult to do the activities on this page :-)

Games and Activities

  1. Make a blanket fort

  2. Play shadow puppets

  3. Journal

  4. Measure the rain

  5. Hunt for worms

  6. Pull out any not-yet-used holiday gifts

  7. Play "Jump the River" (Use 2 pieces of strings to make the river, jump, then widen the strings,jump, repeat!)

  8. Make a timeline of important invents in your family

  9. Read a good book

  10. Research your Family Tree

  11. Indoor campout

  12. Start some indoor seed plantings

  13. Indoor scavenger hunt

  14. Build an outside fort

  15. Learn Morse Code

  16. Invent your own code

  17. Build a house of cards

  18. Memorize the state capitals

  19. Learn some yoga poses

  20. Mindfulness activities

  21. Play balloon volleyball

  22. Look at old photos and share their memories

  23. Write old-fashioned letters and postcards

  24. Make gratitude lists

  25. Play charades

  26. Invent a card game

  27. Learn a few magic tricks

  28. Using stuff from around your house, set up a bowling lane

  29. Mark out a hopscotch field with masking/duct tape

  30. Speak only in Pig Latin

  31. Thumb wrestle

  32. Learn about nautical flags and how to communicate with them

  33. Learn the parts of a sailboat

  34. Play dress up

  35. Play the silent game

  36. Have a staring contest

  37. Learn some yo-yo tricks

  38. Build the biggest LEGO/block tower in history

  39. Have a tea party

  40. Play Simon Says

  41. Talk with an accent

  42. Make a stuffed animal zoo

  43. Learn American Sign Language for Kids

  44. Invent a new sport

  45. Do a puzzle

  46. Invent your own nation

  47. Memorize all the Presidents

  48. Memorize all the states and capitals

  49. Match up your socks, roll them up, and have a sock fight (with permission from an adult! )

  50. Play dominoes

  51. Learn how to play Solitaire

  52. Make your own Bingo game

  53. Learn how to tie cool knots

  54. Make your own crossword puzzles

  55. Make your own Sudoku

  56. Read to the pets or Grandparents (via Facetime/Skype)

  57. Play with older toys

  58. Practice coding

  59. Make a doll house with shoe boxes

  60. Teach your old dog (or new puppy) new tricks

Clean or Fix

  1. Make a new play space by cleaning part of your attic or basement

  2. Sort your toys

  3. Find, sort, and wrap all of the loose change around the house

  4. Clean out your junk drawer(s) together and find family treasures

  5. Alphabetize your spices

  6. Tighten knobs/handles

  7. Wash the windows

  8. Alphabetize your books

  9. Match your socks

  10. Hang your favorite picture

  11. Dust your baseboards

  12. Clean out your closet and collect too-small clothes to donate

  13. Find household stuff you no longer need and donate

  14. Make a paradise for your pets! Clean out your fish tank / hamster cage / bird cage etc.

  15. Get yourself some free "new" clothes: Sew rips / patch your jeans / sew on missing buttons

  16. Clean out and vacuum your car

  17. Sort all of the charger cords in your house

  18. Change your smoke detector batteries


  1. Plan your next birthday party (theme, place, cake, decorations)

  2. Plan an any-occasion or no-occasion party

  3. Plan for summer camp

  4. Plan a stay-cation

  5. Plan a bucket list

  6. Plan a dream vacation

  7. Plan a realistic vacation (where, when, how, what to pack, links to venues in the region)

  8. Plan a month of educational theme days (themes like nature, sports, music, robots, or whatever)

  9. Plan your day-by-day pandemic menu

  10. Plan something to make each day

  11. Plan your family's fire escape plan and have a fire drill

  12. Plan a garden

Art and Crafts

  1. Make puppets

  2. Make a celebrations book

  3. Make homemade musical instruments

  4. Mix cornstarch and water

  5. Make a game (tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess set)

  6. Paint family portraits

  7. Make flags from around the world out of scrap paper or invent one of your own

  8. Make paper snowflakes

  9. Learn some origami (check out the Japanese tradition of 1000 paper cranes)

  10. Learn to knit; make a scarf

  11. Make a paper chain and see how long you can get it

  12. Make a tooth fairy pillow by hand

  13. Monogram your socks

  14. Make stationary with stamps

  15. Create a family music playlist

  16. Make paper dolls

  17. Make pictures to give to nursing home residents or elderly neighbors (you can even mail them; everyone loves getting mail)

  18. Make necklaces and bracelets using beads or even pasta

  19. Build a model car, plane, boat or building

  20. Make accessories for your pets (kerchiefs, capes, bows)

  21. Make pet toys

  22. Make tissue paper flowers

  23. Sew buttons onto scrap fabric

  24. Make paper beads

  25. Paper mache a balloon

  26. Write poems, limericks, and haiku

  27. Write a song

  28. Create your own “Dr. Seuss” book

  29. Make and decorate paper crowns

  30. Print out your photos and make a scrapbook

  31. Learn Calligraphy

  32. Learn how to write in cursive

  33. Make your own playdough

  34. Make a map to your favorite place

  35. Make a comic strip or book

  36. Make your own slime

  37. Make an old-fashioned address book

  38. Decorate a pair of plain white sneakers or old shirt

  39. Make a simple bird feeder

  40. Make a family time capsule to open at a later date

  41. Paint your toenails or fingernails with wacky designs

  42. Make your own piggy bank

  43. Make a “selfie” background with an old tablecloth or sheet, and markers or paint

  44. Create your own picture frame

  45. Paint a rock

  46. Make a pet rock


  1. Silent Disco party

  2. Dance Party

  3. Puppet Shows

  4. Turn a big box into a television set and put on shows (this can also double as a puppet stage)

  5. Have a Joke-a-thon

  6. Re-enact your favorite story or movie as a play

  7. Memorize a poem or two and put on a show

  8. Magic Shows

  9. Read a story out loud and create your own illustrations

  10. Ask an adult to record you reading/telling your favorite story and replay it after dinner

  11. Put those music lessons to good use and have a concert ( Facetime some relatives so they can enjoy it!)

  12. Write a rap song and perform it

  13. Perform your favorite fairy tale in dance

  14. Fill glasses with water and make music

  15. Record a family podcast on your phone to send relatives

  16. Record a pots and pans orchestra performance

Outside Activities

  1. Bike, scooter, or Ripstick in the driveway: You can set up an obstacle course or try new tricks.

  2. Build a fairy house

  3. Star gaze

  4. Learn and find constellations

  5. Climb a tree

  6. Enjoy the classics: Play hopscotch, 4-square, Mother May I, or jump rope.

  7. Get artsy with chalk, water soluble paint, or MUD

  8. Measure the rain

  9. Hunt for worms

  10. Water the plants

  11. Play flashlight tag

  12. Walk the dog

  13. Collect leaves and press them to make place mats

  14. Create a nature journal and record what you see

  15. Hang a bird feeder and count the birds

  16. Listen to the birds and try to figure out what kind of bird it is by it's sound and song

  17. Make a rock garden for your yard

  18. Go on a bike ride

  19. After a walk or bike ride, create a map of your neighborhood