Frequently Asked Questions

Questions posted in this section of the Academy Communications Center pertain to blended and full-time students in the SESD Online Academy.

What types of assignments will students in Grades 7-12 have to complete?

The Odysseyware courses consist of Lessons that students have to complete. Within these lessons there are videos to watch and interactive games/activities to help the students learn the content. At the end of the lesson there will be Multiple Choice, True/False and Matching questions and sometimes a short answer question. There are projects to complete in each course. Most of the time the projects are essays or a research paper. If you are taking a science course the projects will be a lab. There are quizzes and tests and some courses have a midterm and final exam.

How do students in Grades 7-12 know what assignments are due?

All full-time online students have 35 assignments due each week. There are due dates in Odysseyware but for attendance purposes all students need to complete 35 assignments per week. So in other words do the 35 assignments regardless of what the O’ware due dates are saying. Students will have a certain amount of work due by the end of each marking period. The Units/Assignments sheet will let you know what is due at the end of each marking period. This work will be the marking period grade loaded into Sapphire by the KD Academy Teacher.

When are the 35 online assignments for students in Grades 7-12 due?

The Academy school week runs from Sunday morning to 11:59 PM Saturday. All 35 assignments are due by 11:59 PM Saturday.

If students in Grades 7-12 do more than 35 assignments can they do less the following week?

No. Assignments do not carry over to the next week. If you want to do more than 35 assignments we encourage you to do so.

Can students in Grades 7-12 work in one class each day?

You can do this BUT be sure you are working equally in all of your courses. Some courses require a little more work, especially on the projects. For example, if you only work on your P.E. and Art classes because you enjoy them, it will be difficult to catch up in English, Math and Science.

How much work do SESD Online Academy students need to complete if there is a half day of school?

Online Academy students can subtract 4 assignments when SESD has a half day.

How much work do SESD Online Academy students need to complete when the district has a holiday?

If we are off for a holiday, such as Labor Day, subtract 7 assignments.

How is attendance taken?

For Grades 7-12, attendance is based on completion of the 35 assignments per week. This number is based on 7 periods per day which means 1 assignment per period. Students can of course work at their own pace and plan around appointments and obligations during the week. See the Welcome Sheet distributed the night of the orientation for the attendance breakdown.

Students in Grades K-6 may have less than 35 assignments per week because students may take less than 7 classes.

What do I do when I am sick?

If you are sick, a parent or guardian needs to send a note to the respective SESD Online Academy Coordinator and the student's brick-and-mortar home building's attendance secretary. This has to be a handwritten, signed note. Parent/Guardian can take a picture of the note and email it as well.

How many assignments do I complete if I am taking one course?

For students in Grades 7-12, there are various reasons students need to take one or two online courses. If this is the case students need to complete at least 5 assignments per course per week. Like the full-time students, you will also have a certain amount of work due each marking period. The work that is due will be your marking period grade in Sapphire.

Can I complete some work and come back to it at a later time?

Yes and No. If you start a Lesson, the answer is YES. All work completed in a Lesson will be saved and you can pick up where you left off. If you start a test or a quiz you cannot walk away. The test or quiz will time out and mark the blank questions incorrect.

Can I redo an assignment?

Students have 3 tries to earn a 70% or higher on a lesson. Quizzes and tests only have one attempt.

How do I attach a Google Doc to an assignment in Odysseyware?

There are 2 ways to attach a document. You can save the doc as a PDF and use the upload button in the upper right corner to attach the file or you can copy and paste the link in the textbox but don’t forget to share the document with your teacher.

How are my grades calculated?

Any assignment that is written will be graded by your KD Academy Teacher. All other assignments (T/F, M/C, Matching) are graded by Odysseyware. As you complete assignments in a course you will see assignments grades and the overall course grade. You will also see another course grade that averages zeros for any assignments that are past due. Courses are made up of Lessons, Projects,Tests and Quizzes. Lessons and Quizzes are worth 20% of the grade and Projects and Tests are worth 30%.

When will I see my grades in Sapphire?

For students in Grades K-6, assignment Grades will be computed and maintained in Edgenuity's Accelerate Ed Platform, My Genius. Final grades for K-6 students will not be distributed to home brick-and-mortar buildings until the conclusion of the semester.

For students in Grades 7-12, assignment grades will not be loaded into Sapphire. At the end of each marking period, grades will be put into Sapphire by your SEMS or KD Academy Teacher. Parents can monitor grades through the parent portal. Parents will receive an email from Odysseyware asking them to set up an account.

Please make sure the SESD Online Academy team has an up to date parent/guardian email address for all students, K-12.

What happens if my power goes out?

If there is a power outage that lasts for a short period of time you will still need to complete the 35 assignments for the week. If you are logged out of a test or a quiz because of a power outage, email Mrs. Smith (Grades K-6) , __________ (Grades 7-8), or Mrs. Bontoyan (Grades 9-12).

What device can I use to complete my work?

Odysseyware works on personal computers, Chromebooks and laptops. It does not work with tablets.

What browsers can I use to complete my schoolwork?

Odysseyware only works with Google Chrome.

Who do I contact if I need help with a class?

For students in Grades K-6, please contact Mrs. Smith and the Edgenuity teacher specific to your course.

For students in Grades 7-12, please contact the appropriate SEMS or KDHS Academy Teacher to help you with assignments. The SEMS and KD Academy Coordinators are not certified in all subject areas. Students can use the messaging system in Odysseyware or the help button at the bottom of the Odysseyware screen. Academy teachers will respond within 24 hours. If it is an urgent matter, students need to communicate using the school GMAIL. If your question cannot be resolved over the phone, students can set up a tutoring session with a teacher. Please email your teacher and __________ (Grades 7-8) or Mrs. Bontoyan (Grades 9-12) to schedule a tutoring appointment. Most 7-12 teachers meet with students during Rams45 or Power45.

Who do I contact if I need help with Odysseyware?

Please contact __________ (Grades 7-8) or Mrs. Bontoyan (Grades 9-12) if you need assistance with using Odysseyware.

Who do I contact if I have a question about my schedule or courses offered?

Please contact the student's School Counselor.

Do SESD Online Academy platforms shut down at night?

No. All SESD Online Academy platforms are available 24/7. Students can do their work anytime, anywhere.