When should the U.S. send troops to other countries?

displace | regime | diminish | stable | estimate

Use the Focus Words

displace (verb) to force from one’s home or homeland

  • Sample Sentence: The destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy displaced more than 40,000 people.

  • Turn and Talk: What services should governments provide to people who are displaced by natural disasters?

regime (noun) a government in power

  • Sample Sentence: In 2003, members of the U.S. government claimed that the Iraqi regime had weapons of mass destruction.

  • Turn and Talk: How can a powerful regime cause problems for its citizens?

diminish (verb) to make smaller; to become smaller

  • Sample Sentence: Many Americans thought that U.S. military action in Sudan could have diminished the suffering of the Sudanese people.

  • Turn and Talk: In your opinion, does student motivation diminish after elementary school?

stable (adjective) not easily changed

  • Sample Sentence: Over 2,300 U.S. troops have died trying to make Afghanistan a stable country where terrorists can never plan another attack on the U.S.

  • Turn and Talk: Think about your most stable friendship. Why has it lasted so long?

estimate (noun) a rough calculation

  • Sample Sentence: According to one estimate, about 700,000 people attended the San Francisco Giants World Series parade.

  • Turn and Talk: The U.S. population was 327,000,000 as of 2018. Does that seem like an exact number or an estimate? How do you know?

*estimate (verb) to roughly calculate the amount of something

  • Sample Sentence: Samuel estimated that it would take him 20 minutes to bike to soccer practice.

  • Turn and Talk: Estimate the amount of time it would take you to walk to school.

*alternate part of speech