
More/Less Assignment

For this assignment, we were to think of 6-10 things that we wanted more of in our lives and 6-10 things we wanted less of. Then we sketched them out and labeled each sketch. I think this activity allowed us to set solid goals for ourselves and work towards achieving them this year.

Time Capsule

The purpose of this assignment was to get a feel for what our current art skills are. At the end of the class, we will do this again to see how we've improved. I enjoyed challenging myself with drawing things I usually don't because it allowed me to see where I have room to refine. 

Sketchbook Cover Collage

(No image yet) In this assignment, we each created our own collage to personalize our sketchbooks. What I enjoyed most about this assignment was making it my own and letting my personal style show through. I like the idea of everyone being able to embrace their own artistic style.

Blind/Semi-Blind Contour Drawings (By Classmates)

This assignment was most challenging for me because as we drew our classmates, we weren't allowed to look at our paper. I liked this, however, because it focused on our ability to hone in on one part of another person's face and not worry whether our drawing was perfect or not. This activity made me realize that not every piece of art has to be rushed.

Continuous Line Drawing of a Wall

This assignment challenged me to go slow and focus on what I was looking at. I picked a wall in my room that I love, which is filled with posters of all my favorite things. I enjoyed the continuous line aspect of this assignment, for it challenged me to not stop and question my art.

MLK Jr. Contour Line Drawing on Watercolor Paper

For this assignment, we looked at pictures of MLK Jr. and drew him in a single contour line. This was challenging because I wanted to capture King's looks and powerful presence in my one, single contour line. I also enjoyed this because we had the opportunity to show him respect and gratitude.