Manual 101

-What are the 3 aspects that make up the Exposure Triangle? 

-Define and explain the function of  ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture in your own words.

-How do each of these aspects affect one another when it comes to exposure? 

-Did you have any “aha” moments or assignments that helped you understand the Exposure Triangle? Tell us about 1 of them.

-What photo assignment was particularly challenging? Why?

-What photo assignments did you enjoy most? Why?

-What new ideas do you have about how to shoot creatively now that you understand the manual functions in a DSLR camera? What would you like to try out now?

-What questions about shooting techniques do you still have? 

Slow Shutter Speed

Light Painting

Light Painting Folder

Abstract Motion Blur

Motion Blur Folder

Fast Shutter Speed

Freezing Action Folder

Freezing Action 1

Freezing Action 2


Aperture Collage

Shallow DOF

Wide DOF