
The links below will take you to electronic copies of the knowledge organisers for this subject.

Yearly Productions

A fantastic way to develop and grow as an actor/actress or to gain experience working in Theatre production is to audition for a part in our yearly productions at Archie. This year our production is Grease and is running from Tuesday 26th February-Friday 1st March. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from student services!

Opportunities with Drama

The Drama Department and our students at Archie have achieved incredibly well in recent years. The Department's hard work and dedication has recently been rewarded by receiving the Hull Daily Mail's 'Golden Apple' award for 'Innovation in the Arts- 2018/2019.'

If students choose to study Drama beyond their KS3 years they have the opportunity to avail of our 'Spotlight Scholarship Program' which is for students who are particularly gifted and talented in this field. This program allows students to work alongside professional playwrights and directors, as well as helping to build on already existing drama skills that students have. The Spotlight Scholarship programme has worked closely alongside BAFTA winning playwrights Jane Thornton and John Godber, and has enabled students involved to be offered roles in professional productions, and places at top drama schools both nationally, and internationally.