Student's Portfolio

In learning mathematics, we are not only learn about formulas and how to use it for counting, but we also learn how to use these formulas and calculations in real problems. Mathematics is also an art, so the students possible to create any kind of amazing art to help them more enjoying mathematics.  They can visualize the mathematics concept in to comics, design or any kind of fun project.

"Thank You" more than Math

By. Mr Ulinnuha (Indonesian Teacher)

This comis is about two girls who talking about how happy they are for getting some profit and discount. 

By: I Restu 10C

Pythagorean story

By: Adla Rafia 10C

Strategy to maximize profit of business flight 

By: Dzaky Rafiansyah 10B

Students, visualize the mathematics formulas in to many kind of design. They construct the desing by using trigonometry, cicrle, lines, tessellation or other formulas. Then, they combine the formulas with the other tools to make the design more interesting design.

Beauty in the circle

By Clarissa Yuska Aprilia 11C

The eye

By Arric Putra 11B


By. Adla Rafia 11D

Blue Whale

By. Fatima Aina Putri Survia 11C