PI (2022-2025): "MindPrint: Exploring uniqueness of individuals' brain signals". May 1, 2022 - April 30, 2025 . LBRN Projects. $496,340.

PI (2019): Real-World-Ready Experiential Learning grant for the Database Systems course. Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, USA. $2000.

PI (2019): Giving Day “Data Science Research Group”.

PI (2018-2019): Development of a proto-type fNIR spectroscopy for brain activity recognition. Louisiana Biomedical Research Network, 2-year fund. $37,668. 2018-2019.

PI (2018): Real-World-Ready Experiential Learning grant for the Data Mining course. Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, USA. $3000.

PI (2017): “A prototype system for recognizing brain activity by means of EEG and fNIR signals”. Enhancement Grant, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, USA. The amount is $700.

Application Developer and Supervisor (2014): “Development of a Tool for Documenting, Tracking, Recording, and Analyzing Improvements to Intersection Sites and Roadway Departures In Curve Locations”. Funded by LA Department of Transportation and Development. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Algorithm development, Design, modeling, implementation, and testing the software development. Budget $152,309 for two years.

Project Supervisor (2012-2017): “Correction of local road accident coordinates in GIS environment”. Funded by LA Department of Transportation and Development. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Algorithm development, Design, modeling, implementation, and testing the software development.

Researcher and Project Supervisor (2008-2017): CMV Grant. Funded by LA Department of Transportation and Development. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Developing and maintaining software applications. Budget: $96,000 per year.

Researcher and Project Supervisor (2008- 2017): LADOTD Grant. Funded by LA Department of Transportation and Development. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Developing and maintaining software applications. Budget: $2.5 million per year.

Leading investigator, Researcher, and Project Supervisor (2011-2012): “Decision Support Framework Using Online Geographic Information Systems to Identify Problem Locations and to Support Deployment of Enforcement Resources for Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes in the State of Louisiana”. A proposal submitted to Louisiana State Police Motor Carrier Safety Unit. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Algorithm development, Design, modeling, implementation, and testing the software development. Budget: $121,000.

Researcher and Project Supervisor (2009-2010): Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) Readiness grant, sponsored by Louisiana State Police Motor Carrier Safety Unit. Responsibilities: Design, modeling, implementation, and testing the software development. Budget: 173,000.

Supervisor of GIS project (2009-2010): Louisiana State Police Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP), sponsored by Louisiana State Police Motor Carrier Safety Unit. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton

Researcher and Project Supervisor (2008-2009): Decision Support System using GIS Maps for the Analysis of Inspection and Crash Data to Support Motor Carriers Risk Management Process in the State of Louisiana, sponsored by Louisiana State Police Motor Carrier Safety Unit under MCSAP Grant Project MH0822. Highway Safety Research Group, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Design, modeling, implementation, and testing the software development. Preparing quarterly progress reports. Supervising graduate students who worked in the project. Developing algorithms to be implemented to fulfill the vendor requirements. Supervising development of crash related maps.

Researcher and Project Supervisor (2007-2008): Safety Data Improvement Program Grant, sponsored by Louisiana Department of Public Safety. Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Developing algorithms to detect invalid crash data. Supervise and develop web pages to analyze data improvement progress.

Research Assistant (2002-2008): CMV Grant. Funded by LA Department of Transportation and Development. Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Developing and maintaining software applications.

Research Assistant (2002-2008): LADOTD Grant. Funded by LA Department of Transportation and Development. Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Developing and maintaining software applications.

Research Assistant (2005): Decision tree model creation for predicting alcohol levels of drivers involved in a crash, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Responsibilities: Creating a decision tree model to predict unknown alcohol usage.

Research Assistant (2000-2001): Modeling and Analysis of Heat-Activated Thermal Coupling for Joining Composite to Composite/Alloy Structures, sponsored by NASA GRANT NAG8-1536. Responsibilities: Developing a computational model and simulation software for heat-activated thermal coupling.