Peer Mediator

What is Peer Mediation?

Peer mediation is a conflict resolution approach in which trained students help their peers to resolve everyday disputes and minor issues (i.e: gossip, cheating, relationship difficulties). 

Why is The Program Needed?

Peer mediation can be an effective approach for schools in creating a safe environment for their students and for developing student well-being. The program provides opportunities to students to be active conflict resolvers within real-life contexts. It allows students to experience socio-emotional learning where they can develop their leadership and social skills (conflict resolution, cooperation, and communication skills). Moreover, students can have opportunities to develop their empathy, build their own self-esteem, and recognize their interdependence as individuals. 

Who Involves in This Program? 

The Peer Mediator Program involves the whole school community (school staff, parents/ caregivers, and students) as active participants working to promote a safe learning environment at school. The student welfare division will assign school counselors and trained teachers to be peer mediator counselors and be in charge of the program development. 

Who can be Peer Mediators

Higher grade students (PYP 4 to 6) can volunteer and apply to the peer mediator program as students need a certain level of emotional and social maturity to take on this role. 

The qualities of mature social-emotional ability are as follows:

How does It Work

Application Process:

Students who apply for peer mediation program should fill out:

Training Process:

Students who volunteer will have training in basic leadership skills as well as knowledge on how to mediate disputes. Peer mediation counselors will also assist the students during exercise so that students will have guidance as needed.

Topic and skills development include:

Students will get a certificate to indicate that they have completed the training and the acquired necessary skills.

The Practice:

Peer mediators will wear a particular tag/badge/T-shirt/hat to be easily identified by their peers during recess time and can be seen at the school playground or canteen. The peer mediators help students to solve their own problems (minor issues at recess time) by offering strategies and are not allowed to give solutions to them. The peer mediators fill out a form to record disputes that happen and share the forms with peer mediator counselors. 

The mediation process has the following procedure:

Peer mediators introduce themselves and get both parties to agree to some ground rules for the process. 

Peer mediators identify the problem, facts, and feelings of both parties and remain neutral.

Peer mediators need to emphasize that the purpose of mediation is to solve a problem and not create another.

Peer mediators ask both parties to choose options offered to solve their problem and let them make an agreement to solve it.