Welcome to the lrC
(learning resources centres)
Libraries of Sekolah Ciputra
Sekolah Ciputra has three Learning Resource Centres that support the three IB programmes:
Early Years, Primary Years, and High School.
Each LRC is located on each of the three campuses and has a total of 50,000 books -
from picture books to chapter books, Fiction to Non-Fiction and Reference resources.
The High School LRC also has the Academic Database Subscription for its students.
Sekolah Ciputra's LRCs are IB standardised resources centers and libraries that consistently support inquiry based learning,
differentiated learners' needs to significant content based literature in order to expand our students' knowledge.
the learner profile (LP)
Each LRC in Sekolah Ciputra reflects and applies the AtLs & IB Learner Profile in its programmes and services
I am a Reflective and Knowledgeable Thinker
I am Caring and Open-minded
I am Balanced and
Reflective Risk-Taker
I am a Caring and Knowledgeable Communicator
Get to know our book collections through the online catalogue and new arrivals from the continuum collections that are updated monthly!
the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
in our LRC
Our LRCs are committed to supporting the United Nations call to ensure that all places of learning teach about the SDGs. To this end, we ensure that our resource collections include topics that pertain to 17 SDGS which are also an essential part of our IB programmes and our commitment to international mindedness and to making the world a better place.