

Student Body

Student Council

All students have the opportunity to be a part of the student council. Their role is to improve the other students’ learning experience, and they serve the students as representatives during meetings with the teachers and the principal, voicing out the students’ concerns and ideas.

Seiko Volunteer Center

Every year, we provide our students with the opportunity to give back to the community and learn how they can contribute. In the past, students have been to nursing homes to accompany its residents, and they have also helped in cleaning up public spaces. Whenever any major natural disasters strike, our students are encouraged to help in anyway that they can. In the past, they have provided help through fundraising, senbazuru (folding 1000 paper cranes as a prayer for peace), and helping on-site. Some students also volunteer at the kindergarten affiliated with Seiko Gakuin on a regular basis. 

School Events

School Festival

One of the major highlights for the students is the annual school festival. The students spend about six months on preparations for the festival which welcomes around 20,000 visitors. This is the largest annual event which is completely run by students. They deal with everything from the planning to the budgeting of the allocated funds, and teachers always respect their decisions and do not interfere in any way. The students who take part develop a range of leadership skills such as taking initiative, resolving conflict, and motivating others.

Sports Festival

The sports festival is another annual event where students have the chance to shine and take responsibility. Both senior and junior students are involved, and they have different roles such as organizers and referees.

Participating students are divided into five teams, and they take part in a variety of activities in their teams such as performing a dance and 41-legged race. This event promotes teamwork amongst students, and it is one of the rare opportunities where seniors and juniors have the chance to work together.

Overseas Study Trips

During the holidays, we program several overseas learning trips for our students. Depending on their grade, they get to choose to visit Canada, New Zealand, The Philippines, or The United States (Silicon Valley or Boston). The purpose of these trips is to expose students to different cultures and learning experiences. 

Co-Curricular Activities

Students can choose from a wide variety of co-curricular activities. These activities allow them to pursue their hobbies, deepen their knowledge, and pick up new skills.


Seiko Juku (Experiental Learning Program)

As we believe in experiential learning, we offer activities such as Cycling, Lego×Mathematics, Fishing, Photography, and Sign Language.