International Education

Seiko Gakuin supports students to thrive in the international community. Students develop the essential skills, self-awareness, and awareness of others to spread their wings and explore the world.

Returnee Program

Seiko Gakuin provides returnees, students who have lived overseas, with advanced English classes in smaller class sizes. From Grade 7 to 11, students learn the basics of language, including language arts and critical thinking. This program is taught by teachers who are from around the world and are proficient in the language.

Online English Speaking Program

This program allows students to practice speaking in English with trained professionals in the Philippines from the comforts of the school. Using their Chromebooks and a textbook, they carry out conversations and learn how to communicate.

Shinchi Ryosuke

Messages from students

1. Returnee program

As a returnee, I wondered whether I could maintain the command of English that I had acquired overseas. Despite my worries and being in a Japanese school, my skills have been brushed up due to the returnee program. In this program, I get to use English every single day in casual conversations as well as academic situations. All the English classes are conducted in English instead of Japanese.

Classes consist of three sections: Reading, Writing, and Communication. In all the sections, we receive guidance that allows us to improve. Other than normal classes, we often have debates and make presentations in class which allows me to develop a strong relationship with my classmates. Even though this program is challenging, I enjoy it very much.

2. Online English Conversation Class

Seiko provides online conversation classes for all the students in Grade 8 and 9, and after that, we can continue having the classes if we wish to. Using Chromebooks, which all the students have, we have one-on-one classes three times a week. During vacations, we make appointments with our favorite teachers freely. There are high-quality textbooks that facilitate us by introducing useful and practical English. I learn something new in every class, and the teachers have shown me how interesting English is!

Ohkusa Yuki