Technical Program

Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Congraturations!)

Oral presentation

  • Kazuki Sawayama (Kyushu Univ., Japan)

  • Bokani Nthaba (Kyushu Univ., Japan / Botswana International Univ. of Science and Technology, Botswana)

  • Josue Fonseca (Stanford Univ., United States of America)

Poster presentation

  • Utako Watanabe (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan)

  • Kazuma Okada (Univ. of Hyogo, Japan)

Technical Program

  • The online program has been released. Please check it from here (link).

Important (updated.)

  • We use Zoom for the oral session and Remo for the poster session.

  • Desktop, laptop, and smartphone are supported, but a tablet is NOT supported in Remo.

  • Here are the Remo user guide in English (link) and in Japanese (link).


  • Language

    • All slides/posters and presentations should be given in English.

  • Presentation styles

    • Oral session via Zoom

      • Real-time online presentation:

        • Speakers are required to have real-time online presentations and discussions.

        • Each speaker has 20 min including the time for the change of speakers. So, 13 min presentation and 5 min discussion are expected.

        • Information about Zoom:

      • Pre-recorded video presentation (optional):

        • If speakers are concerned that real-time presentations will be difficult due to time difference or network connection, they can submit pre-recorded videos to the secretariat. Before submitting videos, please contact the program committee via email (segj14th-program [@]

        • The length of pre-recorded video should be shorter than 13 minutes. The video will be played via zoom only at the scheduled time, and deleted after the symposium.

    • Poster session via Remo (updated.)

      • Free style poster presentations are available using PDF poster, video, presentation with sharing screen. At least a PDF poster should be posted on the ‘whiteboard’ in the assigned virtual table during the symposium. A0 size landscape poster is recommended.

      • Miro whiteboard is implemented in Remo. Many features are available on the Miro whiteboard. This page (link) explains the features of the Miro whiteboard.

      • Authors are required to have real-time online discussion during the core time (15:30-17:30, October 19) of the poster session.

      • All posters must be submitted to the program committee prior to the symposium. The posters are placed on the tables in Remo by the committee. Before submitting the posters, please contact the program committee via email (segj14th-program [@]

      • Information about Remo: , and Demo video (Link)

  • No-show policy

      • If neither the real-time presentation nor the pre-recorded video is given in the scheduled time of the oral presentation and if no PDF poster is given in the core time of the poster session, the presentation will be withdrawn and the extended abstract will be omitted from the proceedings.

      • Presenters are expected to prepare their own personal computer and internet environment necessary for participating in the symposium online. If speakers are unable to make a presentation due to any internet connection problems, the titles are considered ‘no show’ in the symposium. The organizing committee is not responsible for the speaker-side network problem. To avoid this situation, please send the pre-recorded video to the secretariat in advance if you are concerned about the real-time online presentation.

  • Confidential policy

      • Only registered people can attend the virtual sessions of the SEGJ international symposium.

      • The SEGJ committee will require attendees not to record, screen capture and download any presentations. Attendees must agree to this when they register.

      • The SEGJ committee will not record both oral and poster presentations as official records of the committee.

      • The SEGJ committee will not open any videos or presentation files after the symposium.

      • When some presenters provide videos to be played in the real-time sessions for some reason (network issues, time differences, etc...), the SEGJ committee will definitely delete all the files just after the symposium.

Keynote Lectures

One of the four speakers listed will present a keynote lecture each day during the symposium.

  • "Martian Seismology as seen by InSight and the new frontier of Planetary Seismology"

Taichi Kawamura

Maître de conférences (Associate Professor), Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

  • "Digital Transformation (DX) in Civil Engineering and Construction Industry"

Nobuyoshi Yabuki

Professor, Osaka University

  • "CCUS projects in Australia"

Marina Pervukhina

Principal Geoscientist, CSIRO Energy

(CCUS: Carbon dioxide Capture,Utilization and Storage)

  • "Inputs to subduction zone and its impact on the megathrust earthquakes"

Gou Fujie

Senior Researcher, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

Technical sessions / conveners

  1. Acquisition and Sensor Technologies

Toshinori Kimura (JAMSTEC), Hidehiko Shimizu (JGI)

Advances in data acquisition and sensor technology for geophysical surveys and monitoring, including distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) with fiber optic cables, permanent stations, observatory networks, autonomous data acquisition systems.

  1. Seismic Technologies

Shohei Minato (TU Delft), Takao Nibe (JAPEX)

Technical challenges of seismic exploration including data processing, seismic imaging, inversion of physical properties, elastic wave modelling, and their applications in both land and marine surveys.

  1. GPR Technologies

Kazunori Takahashi (OYO), Kyosuke Onishi (PWRI)

Technical challenges of ground penetration radar (GPR) in data acquisition, processing, imaging, analysis, and their applications.

  1. DC / EM / NMR Technologies

Kenji Kubota (CRIEPI) , Chisato Konishi (OYO), Tateyuki Negi (Nittetsu Mining Consultants)

Advanced technologies from data acquisition to analysis in the methods of direct current (DC) electric, electro-magnetic (EM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and their applications.

  1. Geodetic / Gravity / Magnetics

Kazuya Ishitsuka (Kyoto Univ.), Saibi Hakim (UAEU)

Technical advances and applications of satellite geodetic survey and potential field exploration, including global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), gravity and magnetic methods using surface, marine, airborne and satellite measurements.

  1. Borehole Geophysics

Yuki Maehara (SLB)

Advanced measurement technologies and informatics in borehole geophysics with novel sensors, wireline logging, measurement/logging while drilling (MWD/LWD), vertical seismic profile (VSP), and their applications.

  1. Monitoring Technologies

Kyosuke Okamoto (AIST), Yosuke Teranishi (JGI)

Cutting edge technologies of any passive and active source methods for monitoring dynamic or static state due to artificial or natural changes in the subsurface.

  1. Rock Physics / Interpretation (Case studies)

Mamoru Takanashi (CIECO), Hiroyuki Tokunaga (INPEX)

Theory and applications of rock physics and multidisciplinary interpretation case studies in reservoir characterization, reservoir monitoring, and physical property investigation.

  1. Near Surface Geophysics

Tatsunori Ikeda (Kyushu Univ.), Yusuke Ozaki (JAEA)

Advanced geophysical technologies applied to near surface , and their applications including hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental, engineering, and archaeological problems.

  1. Energy transition / Environmental Applications

Yuki Kobayashi (INPEX), Yusuke Mukuhira (Tohoku Univ.)

Geophysical applications in the fields of energy transformation such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), geothermal or unconventional energy development, and other environmental matters.

  1. Disaster Mitigation Application

Hiroaki Sato (CRIEPI), Seiji Tsuno (RTRI)

Advanced researches in disaster mitigation based on geophysical surveys, observations, simulations and social implementations of applied geophysics to reduce hazard risks from earthquake and tsunami, volcanoes, flooding, landslides and so on.

  1. Digital transformation technologies in Geophysics [Special session]

Takahiro Watanabe (INPEX), Shinichiro Iso (FGI), Kazuyoshi Takaichi (CTC), Somenath Kar (SLB)

Application challenges of digital transformation technologies to geophysics, e.g., artificial intelligence, deep learning, cloud-based services, data integration, autonomous or drone survey, etc.

Call for abstracts

  • Submission portal (here) is closed.

Everyone, please create a login account if you don't have one at the portal.

  • Deadlines:

    • Short abstract: Closed

    • Extended abstract: Closed

  • Authors are required to submit both a short abstract (200 - 300 words plain text) and an extended abstract (2 -4 pages pdf) via the submission portal. The extended abstract will be peer-reviewed and symposium proceedings will also be published at the SEG Library.

  • Please use the MS word template for extended abstract (Download).

  • Notification of acceptance/rejection of the extended abstract will be sent by email in July 2021.

  • Questions via email: segj14th-program [@]

  • Copyright transfer

In consideration of the publication of the paper in the Proceedings of SEGJ International Symposium, the author(s) hereby grant non-exclusive rights to the Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan to publish that paper throughout the world in any format and via any mechanism (including transmission over the internet and other communications networks, and in any other electronic/digital form) and non-exclusive rights to deal with requests from third parties. The author(s) hereby warrant that the Work is original and that he/she is the author of the Work; to the extent the Work incorporates text passages, figures, data or other material from the works of others, the undersigned has obtained any necessary permissions. Electronic Copyright Transfer should be submitted after receiving the notification of acceptance.