Embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion

Reach more neighbors, with approaches that honor our neighbors.

Understanding our network's focus through data analysis and collaboration ensures together we are serving neighbors we often miss. 

Getting specific on our focus

Together we will clarify, what do we mean when we say "reach more neighbors" and ask the question, "when we are prioritizing, where will we put our resources?" As we build out a network plan we will look at populations with disproportionate barriers and communities with high needs in order to understand who is being missed.

Examples and Tools

We use an activity called The Tour of Who Is Missing to get a  closer look at population groups the network sometimes misses. A section of each poster is dedicated to the specific challenges that population faces—for example, seniors need food that fits their often restricted diets. Addressing those challenges directly is a practice that puts the person in the center.

At Food Bank for the Heartland, we used profiles of agencies who are seeing 50% or more of a specific population to better understand their assets and  resources needed. Food bank leaders looked at this data and determined what the current headline is for these agencies, what they would like to future headline to be, and how they could support.

Looking to utilize all the assets of your agency network? Discover ways to create platforms for co-creation