Our Services

Agency Planning and Assessment Tool

An innovative digital approach to assessing agency capacity that doubles as a tool for agencies to create plans for the future. Testing with agencies and improvements takes 2 - 3 months. Next, we'll launch with the entire network (webinars and regional meetings included in the process). The final report would include network benchmarking, mapping desired new practices and/or initiatives to an adoption curve, and a measure of network trust and engagement within your network of agencies. 

Neighbor / Client Scan

As an addition to the Agency Planning and Assessment Tool, SWIM can conduct a survey of available census tract data to compare demographic data across your service area in comparison to the results of the Agency Assessment. 

Food Bank Network Strategic Plan

Based on the Agency Planning and Assessment Tool and optional Neighbor / Client Scan we will work with the food bank to create a Network Strategic Plan. The plan would include:  

● Goals 

● Priority initiatives for adoption 

● Resources required 

● Measurements for progress 

● Integration with the Food Bank’s overall strategic plan 

● Tactics to encourage adoption in the network 

● Tactics including communication, education, demonstration and integration. See more details in the following section. 

Learn more by downloading the 9 questions we ask to optimize your strategic planning here.

Implementing Network Strategy

We'll help the Food Bank operationalize the network including making network-centric recommendations and providing support and/or implementation in the areas of: 

● Communication 

○ Development of messages 

○ Communications calendar 

○ Feedback Loops 

○ Messaging 

● Education 

○ Design and facilitation of cohorts focused on desired practices or initiatives ($18,000-30,000 each depending on level of involvement) 

○ Agency Conferences/Meetings 2.0 

○ Design and implementation of training 

○ Peer learning/Self-organizing 

● Demonstration 

○ Agency participation in strategic choices 

○ Co-promotion / Marketing to neighbors (clients) 

○ Shared fundraising 

● Integration 

○ Agency Grants Processes 

○ Compliance Processes 

○ Redesign of staff support structure 

○ Integration into food bank strategic plan 

○ Food bank staff training on Network Leadership 

For this work, we suggest a subscription model that allows you to focus on all the areas that you need support.