
From tracking your sources and creating to correct citation formats, explore the whole range of terrific tools in this research platform to make projects easier than ever!  Supports MLA, APA and Chicago citation styles.

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Username: SeekonkLib12

Password: SeekonkLib12 

Encyclopedia BritannicaHAVING TROUBLE LOGGING IN??  CLICK HERE!! (Updated for COVID-19)A good, basic starting point for student research on a wide variety of topics.

Newsela's platform takes real and new content from trusted providers and turns it into learning materials for classrooms.

​Sign in using school Google credentials

Sooth’s curated index covers a range of global topics but is particularly well suited for the following areas of interest:Renewables, energy, & sustainability, Defense, security, & foreign affairs, Digital disruption, Politics & government, Business and Current events

Gale Databases

"Click and You're IN" Resources - No password required when you're logging in from school.   

Over 400,000 biographies covering literary figures, science, multicultural studies, entertainment, politics, sports, government, history, current events and the arts.

A complete overview of U.S. history that covers the most-studied events, issues and current information. 

A complete overview of world history that covers the most-studied events, issues and current information. 

Authoritative information for assignments and projects, and detailed coverage of popular issues.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context provides up to date information and both sides of issues affecting society.

Health and Wellness Resource Center provides great information on medical and wellness issues.

Gale Student Edition is a periodical database is designed for high-school students .

Gale Literary Sources Full text of literary works, journal articles, literature criticism and analysis, reviews, author biographies, and a rich collection of expertly written work overviews.

Analyze important global issues and events through topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.

Gale Interactive Science  is an An online tool with interactive 3D models that helps students to better visualize and understand concepts across many areas of science.

Databases Requiring a Password (Provided for each link)

Username: seekonk          Password: seekonk

A collection of 10 databases including: 

American Government

American History

Daily Life through History


Modern Genocide

Pop Culture Universe

The African American Experience

World at War

World Geography

World History: The Modern Era

If you are not in school, please click the above link & use the Remote Log-In for Salem resources: shslmc

Health Databases (Including Genetics & Inherited Conditions, Cancer, Careers in Medicine and Magill's Medical Guide)

History Databases (Including Decades, Great Lives, Great Events & Milestone Documents)