An innovative approach to sale and leasebacks to enhance corporate and multinationals B-BBEE scorecard points

Large companies in South Africa are facing the challenge of maintaining and enhancing their BBBEE scorecard credentials.

We have assisted a number of multinationals and large South African companies attain BEE ownership credit through sale and leaseback transactions with well-established and qualified Black Women empowerment property investors from our comprehensive database.

A major part of the scorecard relates to equity ownership. Traditionally a company would sell an equity stake to a BBBEE group in order to obtain their BBBEE equity points. A structure exists that allows a company to sell a fixed asset such as a property in lieu of equity, thereby achieving the same result in a far simpler manner.

The advantages of entering into a property related B-BBEE transaction impact both the equity and procurement B-BBEE scorecard.

We understand how to structure a deal that works for both parties. This results in you getting the optimal BEE credit in a sustainable manner. Robust legal documents ensure that you have certainty of tenure as a long-term lessee while securing BEE points.

This means that your business can thrive in South Africa while having a positive transformation impact.