design doc

This is a space where we can add and delete elements for making a successful Alpha in the next couple of weeks. This is a short timeline, so moving into critical phases will focus on essential elements to make this a testable app. Game may not be totally there, but I need to build a testing object very soon so I can write my paper and defend in the summer.

This is my white boarding session I have been building. I have been whittling away at what is essential to make a testable product quickly so I can go ahead and create testing modules.

New Document which is trying to reduce the game play down to essential elements.

Level Design (Varies)

challenges will be figuring out timing of a song and compared to the spacing of the targets. Testing subjects will be how fast is too fast for the player, how close is too close for the Target notes, how active are the non-target notes at any given playthrough.

I am building an idea to help instantiate notes for songs so we don’t have to create each song’s sheet music.

Based on sheet music structure, use a number system to create an array for each loop, measure, or bar.

The idea is to scale the length and width of the note placement per measure.

The number of notes in a single measure defines the difficulty, based on the focus of the player's goals.

Top to bottom, we have note pitch, and across left to right, we have note tempo

Based on what we have already seen, we can stretch either direction. Regardless of this change, the player must match the change as a base speed.

If the player

Fog hinders vision, forcing faster decisions.

grid Breakdown Thinking