What is a micro:bit?

Micro:bits and micro-controllers in the wild

The Micro:bit was created and launched by the BBC in 2016 (read more at https://microbit.org/history/) and is a programmable micro-controller with embedded sensors and outputs. That's quite a lot of jargon, so let's go through what this means.


A micro-controller can store and run only one program, unlike your computer, which can store and run many programs simultaneously. You will find them in household appliances like a washing machine or dishwasher.


We have many senses (smell, touch, sight etc) and we've made digital components which can do sensing for us - we call these sensors. The micro:bit has several built in, including a light sensor, temperature sensor, and motion sensors. These sensors put information from the external world into the micro:bit processor, so we call them inputs. See https://microbit.org/guide/features/ for more details.


The micro:bit has a 5x5 grid of red LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) which can be programmed to display text, numbers, shapes, and animations. It has metal "pins" which allow it to send electrical signals to external components, and has radio and bluetooth capabilities which allow it to connect to other micro:bits and devices.

All these things are combined onto a single PCB (Printed Circuit Board) to create an engaging, adaptable, and extensible "mini-computer" which can be used for an almost infinite array of projects.

Plug it in! (the out-of-the-box experience)

The best way to know what a micro:bit can do is to see it in action, so let's get it powered up!

You'll need:

  • A micro:bit

  • A battery pack

  • 2 AAA batteries

  • A USB to microUSB cable

Now put the batteries into the battery pack. Make sure they are around the correct way, with the flat end of the battery (negative -) connecting to the spring, and the knobbly end of the battery (positive +) touching the other end of the pack.

The red wire is positive, by colour convention, and the black wire is negative/ground.

Now plug the white plastic bit connected to the battery pack into the white plastic bit on the back of the microbit.

Now turn the micro:bit over, it should show a pattern, then instructions that walk you through using the various inputs.

Note: if your micro:bit doesn't light up and play the default experience, there are probably 2 reasons for this: either your batteries are flat, or someone has uploaded some different code to it. This video shows the process of restoring the default micro:bit program.

Connect your micro:bit to your computer

In order to transfer your code to the micro:bit, we need to connect it to your computer/tablet/smartphone.

Connect to computer

You need a microUSB to USB cable to connect to a computer. The smaller (microUSB) end connects to the port in the middle of the back of the micro:bit. Make sure it's going it the right way - don't force it!

If you have your battery pack still connected, you can now take this out, as your computer can now power the microbit via the USB cable.

Connect to tablet/smartphone

Connecting your micro:bit to a tablet or smartphone via bluetooth requires you download the micro:bit app from iTunes or Google Play. If you have a smartphone or tablet, try downloading and connecting to your micro:bit (you'll need to plug in the battery pack).

You can find a complete guide to connecting your micro:bit at https://microbit.org/guide/quick/ - have a good read of this and get your micro:bit connected.

Your first program!

Time to get coding! Head to microbit.org/code and under MakeCode Editor click "Let's Code".

This takes you to the Home Screen, which will contain tutorials, project ideas, and your projects - scroll to the bottom of the page to see the range of things available.

The super-cool thing about the MakeCode Editor is that there is no Sign In, and all your work is saved automatically - it's magic!

For your first project, we suggest completing the Flashing Heart tutorial - this is great for first timers, as it introduces some basic coding blocks and how to download.

Try it now!

(Optional) A better download (updating firmware and pairing)

Downloading your code to the micro:bit can be tricky - fortunately there is a better way! (but only if you use the Chrome browser)

Head to microbit.org/guide/firmware/#update-firmware and follow the instructions to update your firmware.

Once your firmware is updated, go to makecode.microbit.org and click on New Project.

This will take you to the MakeCode Editor. Click the Cog icon then click Pair Device:

That's it! Now, when you click Download your code will go straight to your micro:bit!