"A boat doesn't go forward if each one is rowing their own way." Swahili Proverb

Marshmallows & spaghetti!

practical training activityEN, HU (& ES video)

Which team can build the tallest tower using just spaghetti and marshmallows? This is a good training exercise to begin the process of looking at teamwork, and thinking about roles, challenges etc. Two sets of reflective questions help reflect and analyse the experience.

Video (ES)

The video is in Spanish but demonstrates the activity well for everyone

Source: YouthSport Erasmus+ project
Team experience description and handouts EN HU.pdf

Belbin team roles

practical training activityEN HU

Learners become familiar with Belbin’s team roles, and think about the roles they typically take on. The activity includes reading and/or presentation and self-reflection.

Source: YouthSport Erasmus+ project
Belbin team roles EN HU.pdf


practical training activityEN HU

An introduction to the subject of motivation which encourages learners to think about what motivates them.

Source: YouthSport Erasmus+ project
Motivation survey HU EN.pdf

Frog challenge

practical training activityEN

The Frog challenge is a kinaesthetic learning problem-solving activity for small and large teams. It is based on the idea that people and teams can learn more about themselves in challenging situations (out of their comfort zone).

Source: INTOOL

Frog challange EN.pdf

Game of Thrones

practical training activityEN. ES

Based on the well known TV series, he aim of this activity is to enable everyone to be part of a team, and to decide together what are the best decisions, taking into account other teams' decisions, in order to win the game.

Emilia Radu


Game of Thrones


La terra di Westeros è stata per secoli divisa tra molte fazioni politiche, ognuna con le proprie specificità e interessi. Attualmente ci sono 4 grandi case nobiliari in competizione per il controllo della terra, usando manovre politiche, economiche e militari. Alla fine, la tua missione sarà di fare quanti più punti possibili per la tua casa e per la terra di Westeros nel suo insieme.

Emilia Radu


Mission Impossible

practical training activityEN, ES

The mission of this practical training activity is to face all your fears and "can’t do it” attitude to accomplish the impossible with your team.

Emilia Radu


Mission Impossible: protocolla della Romania


Obiettivi: Lo scopo di questa attività è consentire a tutti di far parte di una squadra e decidere insieme quali sono le migliori decisioni, tenendo conto delle decisioni di altre squadre, per vincere la partita.

Emilia Radu


Human Bingo

practical training activityEN

Human Bingo is a fun icebreaker activity that is a great team introduction activity. In this activity, team members are given a bingo card with random statements. They must go around the room questioning the other members to a match for each statement until the first completes their bingo card.

ESL Kids Games

Team Building Activities Toolkit

activities and readingEN

This toolkit has a wide range of teambuilding actvitities. It looks at their benefits and highlights some of the common mistakes made when using them.

EN_WC_Team Building Activities Toolkit.pdf