Our Services

We recognise that due to Covid-19, 2020 has been a stressful year for everyone. It may be that you are shielding to protect a vulnerable member of your household. It may be that you are anxious that your child's regular support services are not operating. Or perhaps you are trying to juggle working from home with supporting your child's learning.

We have children ourselves and appreciate how difficult it has been for everyone to balance everyone's needs.

We are continuing to operate as flexibly as possible, so contact us to discuss your child's needs..


During lockdown, we will be operating as normally as possible. At our first consultation we will carry out a risk assessment with you to plan the best approach for your child. This may be face to face sessions, telehealth appointments or maybe waiting for the right time to begin therapy. We will always offer face to face sessions where these are possible as we believe that most children get the most benefit from face to face therapy.

Our telehealth sessions are slightly shorter than face to face therapy and are therefore priced realistically. This is because (as we know) it is difficult to concentrate on a screen for 60 minutes so we find shorter sessions more effective.

If you have any questions about telehealth or how our services will run during lockdown please contact us.