Special Education

TEA Dyslexia Flyer for parents ENGLISH Oct.24.pdf

District Contact Information:  

Shae Whatley 

 Director of Special Education, 504, and Dyslexia

Tiffany Emshoff

Administrative Assistant 

 Special Education, 504, and Dyslexia


The Sealy ISD Department of Special Education is committed to providing students with disabilities valuable educational opportunities to prepare them for positive school and post-school outcomes. Students with disabilities receive instruction in the least restrictive environment, are educated with non-disabled peers, and are provided access to general education curriculum and instruction to the extent appropriate for the student.


Email us at and we can route your questions to the appropriate campus or case manager!

Diagnosticians, LSSP, ARD Facilitators, Speech Therapist, and Related Service Providers

How do I refer my child for special education? Parent resources for the referral process

Sealy ISD is a proud partner with Special Olympics and Unified Sports with our Tiger Buddy volunteers

Enjoy dancing? Come join us!

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Operating processes/ Special Programs will be reviewed on a yearly basis and updated throughout the year as needed. Last Reviewed/ Updated July 2023