Session 1

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*Note: Use the Trail Guide for further direction if needed.

1. Read the EL Roadmap Vision and Mission on page 6.

2. Find Principle #1, starting on page 9. Read through the Indicators and Examples. Highlight words or phrases that stand out to you. In your APJ write and/or sketch:
- What seems particularly important to you in Principle #1?

3. Read the article, Welcoming Kalenna. In your APJ write and/or sketch:
- What was your own experience of languages in the classroom when you were a child? What are ways you can support teachers in honoring home languages?


Put Principle #1 into Action:

1. Choose an individual or grade level team to unpack the Indicators in Principle #1
Guide your teachers through one of the presented strategies

2. Explore the WAC Units and brainstorm how you might use these with teachers to help support the implementation of Principle #1