Design - Textile Museum Paithan

Design Intent

A museum is a building or an institution that cares for and displays a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific importance. The intent was to create the whole museum around corridor space which becomes a vital area of design in the aspect of climate as Paithan is a hot and dry region. The corridor space stops the heat and light from direct entering into the space. It acts as a buffer space that not only responds to climate but also enhances the public nature of the musuem thus making it more accessible and easing the flow of movement throughout the builtform.

The typology also evolves from the traditional Wadas in Paithan which have courtyards and corridors with spaces around and between them. This makes the local people feel more belonged and welcomed in the space.


The process started with understanding site and diagramming spaces as per climatic factors as well as experiential factors.

Some of the design points for planning were to place spaces such that no two spaces are adjacent to each other, there is always either corridor or courtyard between two spaces for ventilation and light.

Taking the height of corridor space less than the main spaces . So as one walking into the corridor space feels intimidate and as he/ she enter the main area the large volume enhances the experience of the space.

Taking rectangular columns which provides bigger length along its one side thus allowing to inculcate sitting space in it.

Diagramming spaces in site plan to understand scale and proportion along with corridor spaces and courtyards


Diagramming spaces according to climatic factors and site parameters such as main road , existing trees etc .


Obtaining a grid to work with for structural as well as

area , dimensions and proportion's understanding.


Demarcating areas as per grid and requirements


Keeping the height of southern and western side more than eastern and northern side so that it shades eastern and northern side .


( Drawing Set)

Cover Page

Location and Site Plan

Construction Process


Sections and Elevations

Ews and Details

Fire Staircase Plan, Section and Details

Toilet Plan and Sections

Door Window Schedule and Door Window detail


Note- For clear images and zoom into drawings refer following links