Building Making and Details


Garbage Collection, 

Community Toilet & Pathology Lab 

at Trombay, Cheetah Camp 

Building Making 

Aditi Bhandari | Semester 6 | 2022-23

Ths studio intends to understand the process of resolving details of form, its development and refinement through technical and structural systems, the assemblage of materials and the experience it provides, threshold enclosure details and the phases of construction. This course aims at the stages of resolving the design from its conceptual form to its actualization, and generates a set of documentation along with specifications.

The studio attempted to work through the most localized form and material, involving site visits and interactions with contractors and other agencies, then developing construction documentation and a layer of specifications and estimation for the project. 

Site context and analysis

Cheeta camp is a locality in Trombay, Mumbai located next to the Thane creek causing the region to have marshy soil, humid weather . The community toilet is located between a series of houses on three sides and a road on the fourth. The space also includes a clinic and a balwadi. People of cheeta camp have settled here since the last 40-50 years. 

The settlement  has had several incremental infrastructural upgrades over the time which has resulted in the neighborhood being very dense. The whole cluster is a thick mass of private framework where the idea of public space was always forsaken.

 The spatiality of allies, corner, house fronts and verandah are the gendered volumes providing habitable gathering spaces where the distance, privacy and visual connectivity becomes the detail of it. The type of terrace and courtyard are the localized form where the instances and kind of use is flexible in different cases.

Localised way of inhabitation of existing form and type

Programme, Concept and Developement

The design is conceptualized with the idea of Dispersed and open spaces where the spatial arrangement will operate as relief points creating exposed and intimate spaces. Expansion to the affordance of the terrace and the architecture of verticality, different levels and plinths, visual connectivity are the operative details for the design. 

As the observation focus on how the clusters inhabit the crevices, stairs, yards and street on the site and the details of how they are scattered throughout the site, the settlement having a heavy mass of residential buildings where the community spaces or the idea of public is almost non-existent, the gathering and resting activities are seeping into the yards or to the street. These practices are a form of escape from the crowded volumes through the porosity of exposed spaces. They are scattered throughout the site, gendered and segregated as per the details of limit, restriction and connectivity. 

Conceptual design 

Creating spaces emerging with the courtyard, plinth and levels, formation of allies and corners, Free ground space, open - semi open - closed spaces, threshlold spaces.

Design Developement and detailing

The process of actualization and detailing out the conceptual form of the project, working out the materials and their assembly.

Construction Management and planning

The process of building construction in phases, Critical PAth Method and Bar Chart

Construction Documentation

Construction Sequence

Detail and Floor plans

Sections and Elevation

Details and Specifications

Door and Window Schedule

Estimation, BoQ and Rates