Studio Works
Fragmented Market
In and Out
Amidst a Street
Exploring Market Intimacy
Three-dimensional drifts
Street-Scape Market
Shared Corridor
Staircase as a Market
Site 2 Municipal Market
Architecture of Stroll
Market on Plinths
Play of Roof
Market as a Leisure Space
Site 3 Goyal Shopping Centre
Market amidst hurriedness
Market as a Space of Respite
Market Oasis
Internalizing the street
Sponge for the City
Modulating Surface densities
Site 4 Indraprastha Shopping Centre
Bazaar of Intimacies
Act of flows
Pavilion Plaza
Transitional flows
Site 5 Moksh Plaza
Market Fusion: Dissolving Boundaries
Extended street
Rethinking the mall facade
Plinths and courts
Mall re-envisioned as a communal space
Melting Medians
New ground Mall
Terrace Bazaar
Pixalated Bazaar