Cove Library

If you like reading you've come to the right place. Not only is Earl Warren adjacent to a wonderful public library, we also have our own book collections of both physical copies and Sora eBooks!


To log in to Sora and borrow eBooks simply go to THIS PAGE for instructions on everything Sora

For Advanced Readers

Students who wish to borrow books from our 'Advanced Readers' line need parental permission to do so. Please ask a parent/guardian to email Ms. Annie to confirm their approval. (

Parents should be aware that the books in this collection contain material that is generally considered unsuitable for most middle school readers. This can mean strong language, sexual references, and/or mature themes. Should you wish to allow your child access to some books, but not others, let Ms. Annie know and she will be happy to honor your request. 

WHY HAVE HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL BOOKS AT ALL? Put simply, the boundaries between Middle School reading and Young Adult literature can be decidedly murky. One student may be ready to read more mature material. Another may not. The 'Advanced Readers' line gives parents the option to let their child read more advanced material if they feel it is appropriate.

PLEASE NOTE: All books in the 'Advanced Readers' line are well-received, well-reviewed titles. Many have won literary awards. If interested, parents can read detailed reviews on the website Common Sense Media before making any decisions. (This is highly recommended.)

Some of the books in our Advanced Readers Collection

EWMS Mature Readers Collection

Fines and fees:

Good news: we don't charge you any fines for overdue books! However, if you ignore repeated requests to bring your books back, it will be assumed that the book is lost and you will be charged for a new copy. 

Students with extremely overdue books will be harassed with notes, phone calls, and e-mails until the books are returned.  Seriously.  Just return your books so we don't have to go down that road! (Please)