The Chromebook insurance purchasing deadline for the 2023-2024 school year has been extended to December 31, 2023

Insurance is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.

The cost is $44 and covers your device from the date of purchase until August 7, 2024. (Please note that chargers and styluses are not covered.)

To purchase insurance, please visit

How to file a claim:


Helpful tips:

Chromebook repairs: how much will I pay?

Frequently asked questions

Q:  My Chromebook is already broken—can I buy insurance to cover the repair?

A: No, pre-existing damage is not covered.

Q: What's my login for

A: Your parent or guardian set up the username and password when they signed up for insurance at the beginning of the school year. If they have forgotten the password, they may click on "forgot password" to reset it.

Q: How long will it take to get my Chromebook back?

A: Typically 6–12 weeks, but the timeframe can vary depending on the type of repair and the volume of requests. 

Q: My claim was declined! What can I do?

A: Certain things like wear and tear or pre-existing damage are not covered by your insurance policy. However, if you think your claim was declined incorrectly, you may appeal by emailing and explaining the situation to them. 

Q: My claim status says "Waiting on Damage Description." What does that mean?

A: The insurance company needs more information. Please email them at to ask what more you need to provide.

Q: My claim status says "Waiting on Documents." What does that mean?

A: The insurance company needs additional documents. This could be an affadavit (a signed legal statement), a police report (if the computer was stolen), or something else. Email them at to ask what they need.

Q: What happens if I never file a claim?

A: You will be charged for the repair through your Aeries account when your insurance policy expires. 

Q: What happens if I file a claim, but it is never approved?

A: You will be charged for the repair through your Aeries account when your insurance policy expires. 

Q: My stylus/charger was lost or stolen. Can insurance help?

A: No, unfortunately accessories are not covered under your policy. New styluses and chargers may be purchased from Ms. Vetha in the front office.