Welcome, Future Wave Families!
Below is information to assist incoming SDUHSD families with
enrollment and course selection for the 2025-2026 school year.
Questions? Please get in touch with the counseling office at
ocenrollment@sduhsd.net or call (760) 753-6241 x3306.
Welcome Flyer (English/Spanish)
STEP 1 of 3: SDUHSD Online Enrollment Window (January 13 - February 7)
Aeries Online Enrollment (Required): All incoming 7th-grade families from our feeder districts (Encinitas/Cardiff) and new to the area families wanting to enroll in SDUHSD for the 2025-2026 school year are to complete SDUHSD Aeries Online Enrollment by the February 7, 2025, deadline. Please see SDUHSD's Enrollment Letter (English/Spanish) for FAQs and for assistance refer to Aeries Online Enrollment Document Upload Guide and the Online Enrollment Application Video Tutorial. (Enrollment does not apply to currently enrolled 7th or 8th-grade students)
Enrollment Help (Optional): Oak Crest will be providing Online Enrollment Support on the following dates:
Thursday, January 30, 2025: *OC Learning Commons 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Wednesday, February 5, 2025: *OC Learning Commons 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
*Spanish translation available. Please bring the required documents to complete the process. Paper enrollment packets will be available for those who select to complete forms manually.Quick links related to SDUHSD Enrollment:
School Site Locator and District Boundary Map
Intradistrict Transfers (Application window, February 10 - February 24)
OCMS Open House for Incoming Parents & Students (Optional):
Thursday, February 6, 2025: Self-Guided Tour from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Monday, February 10, 2025: Self-Guided Tour from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
STEP 2 of 3: Elementary School Visits & Parent Information Night (Early March):
Incoming Student Event: Oak Crest's principal, counselors, and students will visit designated feeder schools on the following dates to meet with 6th-grade students and present information about Oak Crest's courses and activities! We will distribute instructions for the Course Selection process directly to students and post those instructions on this site.
March 3: El Camino Creek Elementary School
March 5: Ocean Knoll Elementary
March 6: La Costa Heights Elementary School
March 10: Ada Harris Elementary School
Parent/Guardian Event: Join us at our Parent Information Night for incoming and new families on Thursday, March 13, 2025 (flyer - TBD). Our Administration Team and Special Education, Counseling, English, and Math Departments will lead informational sessions.
STEP 3 of 3: Course Selection (Mid-March)
Course Selection Contracts: Students from our feeder schools will return their Course Selection Contract to their 6th-grade teacher by March 17, 2025 (Oak Crest and Diegueño work together to ensure the course selection contracts reach the correct middle school). Students new to the area can drop off the course selection contract to the OC Counseling Office or submit it by email to occourseselection@sduhsd.net.
7th grade Course Selection Contract (TBD)
8th grade Course Selection Contract (TBD)
Information to assist with Course Selection for Incoming & Current Students :
Course Descriptions
English Department
Math Department
SDUHSD Math Assessment Communication for Incoming Families (MDTP)
Integrated Math B Honors Readiness Test Information for Incoming Families (IMBHRT - Optional))
Other Information
Independent Study PE (ISPE) /Middle School ISPE FAQ's (application window February 10 - March 14 @ 4pm)