In hopes of getting answers to students and parents quickly I have answered many of the FAQs below. Please take a look here before you e-mail or call. If I do get an e-mail with regard to the one of the questions below, I will simply send you a link to this web page.

The questions below address technical issues, class selection, strategies for studying, etc...

1. How come the files won't open on my computer?

Do full power down, restart on your Chromebook.  Chromebooks need to be started (not just closed) regularly to work well.  You may also need to clear your browser history.

2. I'd like to donate to science at CCA, how can I do that? What do you need?

Check out the donation link also reach out, we have several families in the science industry and appreciate your consideration when companies donate surplus.

3. What should I do if I miss a day of class due to an excused absence?

If you miss a day of class you should first make an effort to check posted agendas for the information covered in class. You should also make sure to check for any homework or quizzes that might be coming up. Ask a friend in class for the homework or e-mail the instructor to help with what may be due next class (When you e-mail the instructor, be specific...ie give your name, period, ask for the title of the notes you need, be polite).

4. I had an excused absence and was unable to turn in my work. How can I turn in my work for full credit? 

Turn the assignment into the instructor directly, it is always good to follow-up with the instructor when you return from an excused absence. Never ask - "What did we do?"  You should have looked online and have specific questions about assignments.  You have the same number of days absent to make up the work.

5. I am going to miss school due to an unexcused absence (Wedding, Family Vacation, Field Trip, etc.). What can I do to be able to make up the work for full credit? 

In order to have the opportunity to make up the missed work, you must fill out an absent noticiation form (found in google classroom) at least 5 days in advance. Once you have filled out the form, turn it in to you instructor and you will be given the opportunity to complete the missed work. Not all of the assignments can be made up due to an unexcused absence (Please see syllabus for absence policy)

6. When can I make up a laboratory if I missed a day of class due to an excused absence?

It is the student's responsibility to schedule lab make-up with the instructor within the make-up timeline.  Laboratory make-up is at the discretion of the instructor.  In most cases their is a virtual option, but not always.  Please note if a student misses an agreed upon make-up time, they maybe issued a zero - the opportunity to make-up an assignment needs to be given once - it is the student's responsibility to follow-up.

7. What can I do to make up a quiz I missed when I was absent?

No make-up quizzes are given.  If the absence is excused, the quiz will be excused (appear as NA on Aeries). 

8. I was absent for an exam, when will I have the opportunity to take the exam?

Schedule to make-up the exam before school or during class time based on class agenda and agreed upon time with instructor. Opportunites for make-up are not unlimited, you need to take the make-up on the assigned date.

9. Is there any opportunity for extra credit in this class?

There is no extra credit assignments.  Regular credit is offered daily, please take advantage of earning points daily!

10. Can I turn in work that is late?

See syllabus

11. My student is struggling and stressed!

Did your student meet the pre-requisites?  If your student does not meet the pre-reqs and is struggling, please follow-up with their counselor.  Please note that off-campus classes may not have prepared your student as well as on campus classes.  Please check in DAILY with your student - look at my agenda online with them, ask them to show you their work...yes, they will think it's nagging, but they clearly need support if they are struggling...set a clear expectation...every night we'll review your work for 5 min until you have a 95% or better in HW or your quiz scores are 70% or better (have your student help set the expectation).  Please scroll down to get more ideas on how to help your student.  Also, use the agenda to preview the next day with them (again just a few moments but it can have a huge impact on reducing stress).

Time management is always a challenge for students.  Have them write at the top of an assignment how long they think this should take - see if they can do it.  For example, 5 physics problems should take 25 min.  If it takes longer - why? distracted with electronics/phone? Also considering logging the day after school (ie 3:30 get home and get a snack, 4-5 pm biology HW, 5-6pm math, 6-7pm dinner...or if they have sports 6pm home, dinner done by 7pm, 7-7:45pm physics, 7:50-8:50pm English, 9-9:45 Spanish, 10pm bed).  Sometimes it helps to see it all laid out to help them hold themselves accountable or possibly need to adjust extra curricular schedule to give more time to academics.

Also, be aware students are often hungry and socially/emotionally/physically exhausted when they come home from school - this is normal.  Home is their safe space to let the emotions and frustrations out - support them with healthy snacks, extra hugs and encouragement - most kids need a little time to transition from the rigors of school to home.

12. My student is not getting an A!

Please realize that not everyone gets an A.  In the case of Biology (freshman)  - it is often the first time a student has to really study and most students are coming from middle school with A's in science.  This also applies to upper classroom as course get more challenging.  Science requires students to read, write, apply science and math skills, learn new vocabulary and content, apply/use the content in new ways - this can be a struggle for many students.  I often hear from parents "my student works so much harder than their friends but doesn't do well" - please don't compare, it is important to support your student's needs...the goal is to help them successful in school and life.

The important piece is having a happy and healthy kid.  Increasing the stress for an "A" often backfires (this is especially true if your student has a board-line grade) - a student typically becomes more stress, worried and preforms worse.  Please ask your student the following:

1. Do you feel you are putting in enough effort to get the grade you want? (see below for ideas to focus their efforts, guide their efforts not their grade)

2. What can we (the parents) do to support your efforts? (see below for ideas to support them)

3. What can your teacher do to support your efforts?  (have your student follow-up with their teacher with their ideas)

13. How can I raise my grade in class if I am not performing well?

1.  Make sure you are attending class regularly

2.  Complete every homework assignment with real effort (including all the reading)

3.  Use class time wisely and ask questions in class (don't wait until after class for questions - use class time)

4.  Be an active group member during labs

5.  Make flashcards and bring them to your instructor to review.  Then use the flashcards properly - give yourself a written quizzes using the flashcards...don't just flip through them.  Get off technology and go old school when studying.

6.  Re-do assignments/activities for extra practice, you have the answers since they were reviewed in class

7.  Attend tutorial time

8.  Use the agendas posted online to get ahead...ie. complete reading, start HW

9. Use the resource pages provided for additional support (links, notes, visuals and mastery)

10. When studying - think "What evidence do have to show Lawless for my efforts?"  - Flashcards with the written answers from quizzes; written summary of notes, RG, key ides; creation and use of quizlets (don't rely on random quizlets you find)...

14. Do you have suggestions on how to study?

Yes!  Start with your packet, read, review and highlight what you know - this helps identify what to study.  Make a list of key vocabulary.  Re-do assignments, you have the answers from class...print off new ones and try them again in a test setting.  Write and solve your own questions with a peer or by yourself.  Also, consider making flash cards and bring them to me to review (often I can look over a student's flash cards in class or if more time is needed come to tutorial time).  This allows me to see what the student is studying and to help focus their efforts (ie. toss cards out or help them see what they are missing).  When using the flashcards - use them to give yourself a written quiz, 5 at a time - write answers then check answers.  Watch posted video links.  Use the mastery resources! 

A key thing I ask student is "written evidence" or "written practice".  It is not enough to just read or quiz orally.  I highly recommend kids give themselves a written quiz using items in their packet and flashcards.

15. My student lacks motivation to do well.

Help them make a 10-15 year plan.  Ask them about careers, where do they see themselves when they are 30?  Help them backwards plan to get to where they want to be...help them see the importance of the efforts today will pay off in the future...open doors vs. closing them.

16. Do you offer tutoring or have any tutoring services you recommend?

Please check the instructor's website for tutorial hours.  CCA teachers can not recommend outside tutoring services.  Regardless of permission, Mrs. Lawless only communicates with students and parents - not tutors or personal assistants.  You can choose to share information (Aeries and resources teacher website) with a tutor.

CCA has an excellent peer tutoring program that peers up students needs with skills.  Follow-up with Lawless to get the google form link.

If you feel your student needs a tutor.  Please consider the following: Your student has science class 90min/day are they coming to class prepared? Do they ask questions in class?  Are they using the resources on the teacher's website?  Do they attend tutorial time (just because they are dropped off early, doesn't mean they are coming to tutorial time)? Are you following up with the posted agenda to ensure they are completing work?  Do you ask them questions about biology - the posted agendas can help you ask specific questions? Do you follow grades on Aeries? 

17. I am interested in the SAT II in Biology...what do you think?

College prep biology does not cover the depth and breadth required to score well on the SAT II Exam, those students that want to take the exam will need to complete additional studying.  In the past students have purchased an SAT II study book (free resources at http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/lc_two.html) and they bring it in for me to make notes on the table of contents about areas that were not covered in college prep biology.  There are two biology exams, "E" and "M".  "E" is more ecology based and "M" is more cell/genetics based, at first glance the "E" option may appear easier but it is my experience that the questions are very broad while the "M" questions are more straight forward and students have reported they felt they did better on the "M" questions. Check out:http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/lc_two/bio/bio.html for more details about the exam.

On a side note, most colleges/universities require that a student complete the Writing, Math (it is suggested that you take the highest math level) and one subject exam - check with the schools that you are interested in before making this decision.  Even if you are a super all-star science student, you can still take the exam in history...the schools are using the exam to look for well rounded students that can perform in a subject area outside of math and English.  So, if you plan to AP History as a sophomore or junior you may want to opt to take that subject exam because you'll have covered more material at an advanced level and will most likely score higher than the average high school student.  Or if you really want to take a science test and are a super all-star science student, take Chemistry and AP Chemistry your sophomore year and take the test in chemistry...or even Physics and AP Physics your Junior year.  AP Biology is also an option as an additional tool to prepare for the biology exam, however, AP Biology is typically a Senior course and it maybe too late for college applications.  As mentioned above, if you want to take the SAT II Exam after completing college prep biology please follow the recommendations above and I would be glad to guide your preparation (also see resources below).

18. Test Prep Resources for AP and SAT II

Check with the Learning Commons or College and Career Center for resources.

19. What classes should I take? 

In my opinion, all college prep students should complete at least Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  I always suggest taking 4 of science years total (the core 3 plus one more - Ant/Phys, AP Environmental, AP Bio, AP Physics, Biotech, Computer Science....).  Please do not email asking about the prerequisites (I helped write them, they are my recommendations - I will direct you back to the course profile).  The prerequisites are in place to support and set all students up for success, they apply to ALL students.  Per Ed Code a student can enroll in any course via open access (note College Board has some restrictions on AP classes), but please carefully consider our recommendations before selecting courses.  Most students who ignore the prerequisites regret the decision.  It is about getting something out of a class vs. just getting through a class.

Make a 4 year plan, map out the courses you want to take in High School.  If you are a sophomore who loves science/math and is planning a career in science you should be taking Honors Chem (and possibly AP Chem).  If you want to take another science course as a sophomore, consider Anatomy/Physiology, Biotech or Computer Science.

I often get emails about skipping (or taking classes off site - for example biology in the summer before high school and going straight to chemistry as a freshman).  College prep freshman biology is the equivalent as living in the dorms as a freshman college student - lifelong, quality peers are made at this time.  It is important to balance academic with the social and emotional development of students.  There is plenty of time to take all the recommended classes and build the strongest academic experience.

I also get emails about taking physics before chemistry.   We have carefully discussed the recommended prerequisites as a department.  Chemistry has students use math and science skills to draw conclusions, physics has students apply those skills to discover in an inquiry setting.  Students that complete chemistry first are often more successful in physics then those that do not follow the recommended sequence.  The recommendations are purposeful, students that do not follow these make life more stressful and harder than needed.  Please support your student by following the recommended pathways.

20. How soon should I expect a response through e-mail or telephone from Mrs. Lawless?

I receive a lot of e-mails a day and have to respond to most of them. Please allow me 24 hours to respond to an e-mail, longer over weekend or school breaks.  I may need to follow-up with your student before I can respond to an email, which may delay a response.  If I do not get back to you within the time frame please feel free to e-mail me again.  I typically return phone calls before school.  Email is the most efficient form on contact, if you would like me to call you please email a number where you can be reached and the topic of concern.  Email will usually generate the fastest response.  Request to meet in person require an purpose and student present.

Please be respectful - requesting an ASAP response is not appropriate.  "At your earliest convenience" is more appropriate.  I do my best to respond promptly to all emails.

21. What is my grade?

In order to view your grade you must have an Aeries account through the SDUHSD school district. The purpose of this system is to allow you to see grades in real time as they are recorded in the teacher's grade book. If you need help getting an account or password please contact the front desk at CCA.

22. We would like to donate to the class, how can we do that?  What is needed?

Please consider donating to the Foundation, we use the funds to supplement our district/department budget for lab supplies.  We have been very fortunate to be able to continue a lab intensive program with the support of the Foundation funds.  We also have a list of science supplies/equipment (click here for the list).  Beyond that, there is always a need for office supplies (pens, pencils, tape, file folders, organization bins or gift cards for these items to Staples, Office Depot, Target) and building supplies (Home Depot or Lowes gift cards we often manufacture some of our lab equipment from building supplies).

23. How can I request a Letter of Recommendation (aka LoR) from Mrs. Lawless?

Read the ENTIRE answer to this question.

College Letters - Do not ask in the spring of junior year, ask when you know where you want to apply and that confirm letters are required. PLEASE do not waste a teacher's time asking when you haven't firmed up your application list.  Have a firm college list and know the letter requirements before you ask me.  Best time to ask is early September - get all your paperwork to be by mid-September.

Summer Programs - Freshman, please check the age and course completion requirements.  I do not write letters of recommendation for Freshman for COSMOS. Please ask current (fall or spring) teacher.

I accept request from students, please download Mrs. Lawless' student brag sheet.  Read and follow all directions on the form, please allow at least 2 weeks for the letter to be completed - remember you are asking for a letter of recommendation - worthy students are respectful and plan ahead!  The brag sheet form is specific for Mrs. Lawless but it could be used when requesting a letter from other teachers, please check with other teachers regarding their policy and information needed.  Failure to follow these guidelines and timelines may result in Mrs. Lawless canceling your request.  The 2 weeks does not start until your Common Application (college) or email link (college or program) is complete and I have all the hard copy forms requested.

Please note, it is often not a great idea to request a letter from a teacher you had freshman year only (check with your college of choice). College letters for students I have only had a freshman will acknowledge that you were a student as a freshman, they can not address current maturity or academic status.  I often say no to letter requests form students I only had a freshman.  For college, please consider asking teachers you had as a junior (or at least a full quarter of senior year) for the most effective and accurate letters.

Also, please be sure to have followed all the course recommendation sequences - if asking for a recommendation it is expected that you followed recommendations (ie. not skipping courses)

Please note you should REQUEST a letter (or list Lawless as a reference) - ASK appropriately - do not expect, demand or assume I will write you a letter of recommendation.  I should not recieve an email from common app or other school/program without talking to me and your completed Lawless Brag packet. 

Think hard about what you expect me to write about you, did you stand out, did you work well with others, were you on task, a leader who encouraged and helped others, asked questions, submit quality work, and most importantly did you consistently put in good effort with a good attitude? (it's not about the grade, they have your transcript - the letter is about the person behind the transcript)

Sample Request format:

Dear Mrs. Lawless,

I was in your X class in Y period last spring (or give the term/year).  I am applying for XYZ (be specific) and I need a letter of recommendation which is due X/Y/20ZZ.  Would you please consider writing a letter on my behalf?  If you can, I will provide you the requirements from your website on X/Y/20ZZ.

Thank you,


Requirements for letter requests:

1. Contact me in person or via email yourself (not your mom, dad, tutor or personal assistant).

2. Double check that the school(s) or programs are you are applying to require a letter, don't just ask for one because you think you need it fall junior year or early fall without deciding where you are applying to.  I have never said no to a good student who met my deadlines, don't race to get a yes in the spring or summer.

3. Be sure you meet the requirements (summer program) - age, grade and course completion

4. Give at least 2 school weeks. That two weeks starts when you get me ALL your (hardcopies) paperwork AND I have received the request from common app or the school - including the Lawless brag packet, FERPA, Common App (or other program) requests.  This also includes completing requests in common app or other online programs.  PLEASE NOTE SCHOOL BREAKS DO NOT COUNT IN THE TWO WEEKS - IF YOU HAVE A DEADLINE JAN 1, SUBMIT EVERYTHING 2 WEEKS BEFORE WINTER BREAK STARTS.

5. Complete Common App (for college) request and/or submit for email links from non common app schools. Also done with 2 weeks before due date.

6. Complete FERPA - Counseling website and/or office can assist you.  If you want a letter from me, you must waive your right to view the letter.

7. Complete brag sheet (it's view only, make a copy and type your answers.  Give good detail and answer all questions - I use this to help set you apart from your peers (remember I have a lot of students, so if you were quiet in class it is especially important).  

8. Be in good standing (students with academic honesty, attendance or behavior issues please do not ask for a LoR, the answer will be no.  If you did not work hard regardless of your grade, please do not ask for a letter or recommendation).  Note - I reserve the right to pull your letter of recommendation if you fail to stay in good standing at CCA.

9. Did you take science classes in sequence and at CCA? If not, I will most likely say no your letter request.

10. Do not ask for a college recommendation if you had me for a freshman class only, I will not be able to speak to current academic, social and emotional maturity.

11. Bring typed hardcopies of all my requirements (all at once) and deliver in person.