

 CAs stated in the syllabus:

If a student has a full day absence it needs to be cleared with the attendance office within 48 hours, failure to do so may prevent the student from earning credit for the missed work. To help our office staff, please clear your student's absence promptly. Uncleared absences after 48 hours will be considered truant. Referrals may be issued for uncleared absences. 

If a student has a partial day absence (they need to leave campus during the day) they must check out via the office or nurse. Students must obtain a pass prior to class to leave during class. A student that has not checked out properly (via office or nurse) will be considered truant and may not be able to earn credit for missed work. It is unacceptable for a student to attend one class and then miss another without checking out via the office or nurse. 

If you have a medical appointment - get a verified note from your provider.  Turn in the note to the attendance office - this will be recorded as "verified" and not count in chronic absence concerns.

Attendance is a key safety component, we need to know who is on and off campus at all times, please support a safe campus by ensuring your student checks out (and back in, when they return) properly. 

A student with an ed code excused absence (sick, doctor appointment, court appearance) will be allowed to make up all work missed (with the exception of some labs, there may be an alternative assignment or the student may be excused from the assignment). The student will be given the same amount of time to complete the work as days missed due to an excused absence. 

A student with a personal absence (i.e. family vacation, etc.) or field trip will not be allowed to make up any of the work missed, unless that student notifies the instructor at least 5 days in advance of the absence. The notification must be completed using the Absence Notification Form located on the website and submitted to the instructor in person with all appropriate fields completed. Failure to submit the form before the deadline may result in zeros for the assignments due during the absence. A student will only be granted permission to miss class for a field trip if they are in good standing (current on all work, C or better grade, good attendance, no academic honesty violations) 

COVID-19 Illness/exposure - communication is key so that I can best support you.  If you are sick, the priority is getting better.  If you are able to do work, please reach out and we will make a plan to support learning