Battle of the Books

The Battle of the Books is an annual event in which CVMS students vote for their all-time favorite book ... and Harry Potter wins in the end. This year we're going to do things a bit differently. Every day you will vote on a different head-to-head contest between books. The winners will advance to the next round. 

Who will be our grand champion? (Almost certainly Harry Potter ... but we can at least pretend to be surprised)


2023 - Percy Jackson

2022 - The Hunger Games

2021 - The Hunger Games

2020 - Harry Potter

2019 - Harry Potter

2018 - Harry Potter

2017 - Harry Potter

2016 - Percy Jackson

2015 - Harry Potter

2014 - Harry Potter

2013 - The Hunger Games

Remember to join the Learning Commons Google Classroom to take part in the fun!