About Mr. Richards


My name is Mr. Richards and I am the Learning Commons Technician here at CVMS. As those of you who have spoken with me will know, I am originally from Great Britain. My father is Welsh, my mother is Irish, and I was born and raised in England. I have been living in California since August 2012 when I moved here with my wife, Jessie, who is from San Diego. We met in 2008 while studying for Masters Degrees in Creative Writing & Authorship at the University of Sussex, England.

Remember, you can email Mr. Richards at any time if you want book recommendations, homework help, or just to say hi. Also, if you've got any ideas for the Learning Commons, please let me know.

Email: ian.richards@sduhsd.net



1) I have a pet cat called Moo.

2) I am a vegan.

3) My favorite sport is soccer and I support Arsenal FC.

4) My wife is also a Learning Commons Tech. She works at Pacific Trails Middle School.

5) In 2014 I published my debut novel, House of Many Doors (Amazon/GoodReads). It is aimed at a Young Adult audience, but contains a fair bit of horror, so sensitive readers should wait until they are older to read it.

6) I have a son called Rory. He is only a baby though, so doesn't do much.