Education for Employment & Academic and Career Planning  (ACP)

Career Readiness Vision and Mission

Mission: Empower ALL students to explore and plan a path to adulthood through education and career training.


Equip students with: 

What is Academic Career Planning (ACP)?

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post-secondary success, obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and State law (PI-26) requires public school districts to provide academic and career planning services to students in grades 6 through 12. These academic and career planning requirements connect school districts’ education for employment plans and programs to the students to allow them to plan for the future in structured and sequenced manner. ACP utilizes the KNOW, EXPLORE, PLAN, AND GO process. This begins during their 6th grade year at Jefferson Middle School.  This process is continued throughout their middle school and high school years culminating in an individual portfolio that is developed by each student with support from their teachers and school counselors. 

What is PI-26? 

PI-26 is the legislation that requires Academic and Career Planning to take place in all public schools in the State of Wisconsin. Each school district must provide evidence of their implementation of PI-26. For more information on ACP and PI-26, click on the following links:

Wisconsin DPI – ACP Page:

Wisconsin DPI – ACP Memorandum:

Wisconsin State Law – Chapter PI 26:

Why is ACP Important?

ACP infographic of the four stages of ACP. The four stages are know, explore, plan and go.

Know, Explore, Plan, Go!

Self-awareness (KNOW) 

Career Exploration (EXPLORE) 

Career Planning (PLAN) 

Career Management (GO)