Career Readiness For ALL of our Students

Individualized ACP Support

(Special Education, English Language Learners, and Students At Risk of Not Graduating) 

The School District of Jefferson provides individualized support, appropriate to each pupil's needs, from school district staff to assist with completing and annually updating a student’s academic career plan.

Special Education

Students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) begin postsecondary planning universally with all students in elementary school and continue more in-depth planning in Middle School and High School (See Career Readiness at SDoJ for a scope and sequence). In addition, individualized postsecondary transition planning begins no later than in the first individualized education program (IEP) that will be in effect when the child is 14 and updated annually thereafter. 

A postsecondary transition plan includes measurable postsecondary goals for each student based on age-appropriate transition assessments related to training or education, employment, and independent living skills (if appropriate). It also includes a description of transition services including courses of study needed to assist the student in reaching their goals. The student is invited to the IEP team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency is invited to the IEP team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority.

English Language Learner

Students identified as EL based on the Home Language Survey and ACCESS screener begin postsecondary planning universally with all students in elementary school and continue more in-depth planning in Middle School and High School (See Career Readiness at SDoJ for a scope and sequence).

As part of their EL programing each student has a Individual Language Plan (ILP). Within this plan, SDoJ staff identify critical language skills needed for academic and career language. SDoJ EL staff meet with students to discuss interests and career opportunities. In addition, staff lead lessons on interviewing and holding conversations with employees for students who are approaching graduation. 

At-Risk of Not Graduating

The School District of Jefferson identifies and serves students who meet the statutory definition of being a child at risk of not graduating from high school. Students who are at-risk begin postsecondary planning universally with all students in elementary school and continue more in-depth planning in Middle School and High School (See Career Readiness at SDoJ for a scope and sequence). An individual On Track to Graduation Plan is developed by the student’s team based on age-appropriate transition assessments related to training or education and employment. A description of transition services including a graduation map of courses needed to assist the students in reaching their goals is created.  The student must be involved in the team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency is invited to the team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. 

Community Partnerships

SDoJ makes an effort to seek out diverse community, industry, and higher education partnerships so that students are more likely to interact with adults that come from many different backgrounds and cultures. (See our Get Involved page for more information) 

Community partnerships that support our students with Individualized Education Plans include the following: