May 15, 2019
Volume 3, Issue 4
Teacher Spotlight
Mr. Ashley Meyer
by Cadyn Smithson-Cox
1. How long have you been a teacher?
I started teaching at SDMS in 2007, so I am in my twelfth year of teaching.
2. Have you had any other careers before this one?
I haven't had any other "careers" outside of teaching; however, in college and while I was teaching I had part-time jobs. I worked for the Prosecuting Attorney of Franklin County all throughout college and was Community Service Coordinator while I was teaching here. This job required me to oversee people who had been arrested but didn't get sentenced to jail time while they worked on various projects, such as picking up trash on roadways on Saturday mornings. I was also a Special Deputy for the Franklin County Sheriff's Department from 2006-2014. This job required me to perform any tasks sworn to me by the Sheriff of Franklin County. Some of those jobs included arresting people that had warrants or writ of body attachments, serving people with court notices, evicting people from their homes, providing courtroom security during trials, and transporting prisoners to various jails or prisons within a 500 mile radius.
3. What are some of your hobbies outside of school?
Outside of school the thing I enjoy the most is hanging out at home with my wife Amanda, my son Carter who is six, and our daughter Maggie who is 1 1/2 years old. Other hobbies include watching the Bengals, Reds, and Hoosiers; although, none have been very good lately. Also, I enjoy buying antiques and selling them at my parent's antique and homemade ice cream shop in Oldenburg.
Mr. Ashley Meyer
Social Studies4. What grades and subjects have you taught?
I have taught both 7th grade Social Studies as well as 8th grade United States History.
5. What is some advice for teenagers today?
There are a lot of "things" to distract you, your teenage years are a short part of your life; enjoy them, but enjoy them responsibly, don't hurt yourself or others by doing something you will regret in a few years...or in a few minutes. Stay Safe!
Artisan of the Month
Hunter Gates
by Diane Tolentino
As you wander the pristine halls of South Dearborn Middle School and head towards the band room, you can clearly hear the band—hard at work as they practice their songs. However, deep below the intricate parts and sections that certain instruments play, lie the crucial pattern played by the percussionists. Meet Hunter Gates, The Squire Times Artisan of the Month. He is a dedicated and industrious 7th grade percussionist who’s been playing since 5th grade. His fellow bandmates truly appreciate his incredible participation in band, and so does Mr.Reynolds who says, “Hunter is not only a great, hard-working musician, but he is positive, pleasant, has a great sense of humor, and is an ideal band member! I am so happy he is in our band! ” We also have another adult aid, former music teacher Mr. Sykes, who specifically helps the percussionists.
I was granted the opportunity to ask Mr. Gates a few questions:
Tolentino: Why did you choose to be a percussionist?
Gates: I chose to be a percussionist because my dad was one, and I knew if I had trouble, he could help me.
Tolentino: What’s your favorite percussion instrument to play and why?
Gates: Drum set is my favorite percussion instrument because you have so many drums and some of the parts can be challenging.
Tolentino: What’s your favorite thing about band?
Gates: My favorite thing about band is being able to play an instrument and having the opportunity to have one.
Tolentino: What’s your favorite genre of music?
Gates: My favorite genre of music is country music. My favorite artist is Dan + Shay.
Hunter's tremendous effort in playing is what makes him a wonderful percussionist. Thank you for your hard work and keep it up, Hunter!
2nd Annual Variety SHow
by Avery Wuestefeld
Lights, Camera, Action! The SDMS Variety Show was held on March 14th and 15th. Students were encouraged to try-out for the show performing either solo or group acts, the final show consisting of 16 acts. These acts included: SDMS Show Choir, Holly Pilot, Kaylyn Hoog, Darci Garibay, Cadyn & Group, Navaeh Kinnett, ¨Indiana Hillbillies” (Mr. Mahan and Mr. Mann), G-Force 5, Winter Guard, Karleigh Kittle, SDMS Staff, Lauren Stevenson, Delaney Schroeder, Taci Hughes, Morrigan Crutcher, and the SDMS Jazz Band.
The Master f Ceremonies was our own Mrs. Powell! She helped make the Variety Show a great time for all the students and staff. When asked what her favorite group was 7th Grader Kennedy Emmert stated, “Delaney Schroeder”. Delaney performed a unique dance routine.
Congratulations to all performers on a job well done!
The Squire Summit
by Cadyn Smithson
As the year progresses, the sands of the 2019-2020 school year hourglass slowly slip through our fingers. After the school year ends, big changes are in store for the students South Dearborn Middle School, 3 in fact. First, the eighth graders start their freshman year of high school. Second, the seventh graders start their 8th grade year as the top dogs. And third, the sixth graders start their 7th grade year. This year, Mrs. Johnson, assistant principal at South Dearborn Middle School, decided that she would host the 1st Annual Squire Summit. The Squire Summit is practically a “welcoming party” to the sixth graders who will be attending the middle school next year.
The Squire Times asked Mrs. Johnson some questions regarding the summit. Mrs. Johnson was delighted to answer the questions. When the Times asked her “Why did you decide to start The Squire Summit?” she replied, "We decided to start The Squire Summit for several reasons:
1. To give the 6th graders a chance to see the building and learn about what we have to offer.
2. To give the 6th graders an opportunity to meet and get to know 6th graders from other buildings and some of our staff members before they get here.
3. To help the 6th graders understand our expectations, and how their school day works (like in the morning and in the cafeteria).”
Mrs. Johnson also said she wanted the whole 180 students to learn expectations and get used to the environment of middle school. There's no doubt about it that our incoming 6th graders will feel a bit more confident on their first day of middle school.
2019 Squire Summit
Dance to the music
by Mary Hallgarth
Within the past month or so, the band has been performing in quite a few competitions. The first competition was our middle school jazz band, in which South Dearborn got gold! The second competition was the eighth grade band concert, and they got silver. Great job, guys!
The jazz band, who played on March 1st, got out of school early to drive all the way to Whiteland, Indiana. They performed three songs, which were all very unique in their own ways, but still tied in with a modern jazz vibe. The first song was "My Dinner with Ronald", a song with lots of emotion and definite passion. Our soloist for this song was Nicole Cox, who beautifully plays the clarinet. The second song of the ensemble was "Weatherman", composed by our own band director, Mr. Reynolds. Our flutist of the jazz band, Austin Hoskins, performed a solo during this song. Diane Tolentino, clarinetist extraordinaire, was also a soloist for this song. The band then ended with "Jamming with Charlie", a simple but bright song. The solo in this song was done by trumpeter, Max Burger. Amazing job, guys!
The next competition was the eighth grade concert band. The eighth grade band (with a few select seventh graders) performed on March 9th. They played the songs "Knights Kingdom", "Legend of the Nighthawk", and "Tribute". "Legend of the Nighthawk" is a favorite number of several band members, courtesy to it’s light, fairy-tale sound. The band played bright and early, but still got a silver plaque for the SDMS band’s collection. Nice job to everyone who played in the jazz and concert band!
fare thee well, Mrs. Tucker!
by Denise Tucker
After an education career spanning 35 years, Mrs. Tucker has finally decided to put down the chalk and settle into some well-deserved rest and relaxation. We asked Mrs. Tucker is she'd share a few thoughts about her time as a teacher and in typical Mrs. Tucker fashion, she didn't let us down.
Back in 1984, when I first began teaching, the idea of retirement seemed an extremely distant concept; however.....BLINK…..and here I am!!!
To give a little background on myself, while attending Judson University, I met my spouse of 35 years, Trace Tucker, also a soon-to-be-retired special education teacher. The two of us were blessed with four truly amazing children: Trent, a Boston Scientific territory manager residing in Fishers, IN; Tanner, a young man who positively touched more lives in his seventeen years than I could hope to reach in 97 years. He resides in Heaven; Ty, a double science major at Purdue University and also an Airman; and Toria, a biochemistry major at DePauw and a recently-licensed EMT. Without Tori’s earning of the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship in 2018, our retirements would have been delayed another few years.
Fortunately, this timing allows my husband and I to relocate to our new home in Fishers where Trace will continue to provide respite care to special needs teens and adults, and I will be caring for our new grandson, Cole Tanner Tucker.
While I look ahead at the next chapter in my life, reflecting back on my thirty-five years as a South Dearborn teacher is only natural. No doubt, while some of the required “grinds” (ie….tests, IEPs, paperwork, and more paperwork) evoked an occasional stress headache, any negatives have been far outweighed by the simple joys I experience daily as a teacher.
So much has changed throughout my tenure; we have gone from mimeograph machines and filmstrips to high-speed copiers and videos on demand. However, I will forever miss those unchanged entities, such as an unprompted compliment or the genuine, sweet hugs from students.
Mrs. Tucker strove to structure her classroom as a “Safe Zone,” which was a loving place a kid could go, where he/she knew they would never be yelled at by soft-spoken Mrs. T., and where put-downs were not allowed. Also, Mrs. Tucker *might* be known for having a rather well-stocked candy stash. I challenge students to pay forward sweetness, for kindness is always the right choice!
Considering that in the past 35 years, my school staff and I have survived an arsonist’s fire, a moderate earthquake, the blizzard of 1996, the flood of 1997, and even a hurricane in 2008, changing some dirty diapers will seem like a piece of cake…….chocolate cake! (Sorry, but it was inevitable that exposure to 35 years of junior high humor was apt to rub off on me!)
Farewell, SDMS!!! I will miss you!!!
Mrs. Denise Tucker
Photo Credit: SubmittedOur Favorite Memories of SDMS
8th Graders Share What They Will Miss the Most
"My favorite memory were the bus rides to and from basketball games." -A. Bruner
"My variety memory was participating in the SDMS Variety Show." -K. Hoog
"Playing in the gym with other boys so that we can be friends and get to know each other." -M. Deamron
"My favorite memory is when we have the KFC bowl at lunch." -M. Cantwell
"The 8th grade field trip. I became closer to a lot more people." -B. Ward
"I enjoyed the movie adaptation of The Chicken that Died by Kendra Collins." -N. Miller
"My favorite memory is going to away games for basketball. Also my favorite memory is teaching Mrs. Bevis and Mr. Wagner the "WOAH"." -M. Teke
"Show choir competitions have been my favorite thing this year." -C. Hudnall
"My favorite memory was the D.C./New York trip." -A. Pitts
"My favorite memory from Middle School was playing Uno with my friends at breakfast and lunch." -D. Lusby
is Easter Island?
by Mr. Shane Wagner
Nearly 2,000 miles away from any other inhabited island, the Chilean island known as Easter Island is a remote, yet exceedingly unique, destination. Although discovered by the Europeans in 1722, experts believe the island had been inhabited by the Rapa Nui since around 1200 CE. Easter Island is most famous for it's over 1,000 enormous stone moai. Moai, or mo‘ai, are monolithic human figures carved by the people on Easter Island in eastern Polynesia between the years 1250 and 1500 CE. In recent decades, Easter Island has become an increasingly popular tourist destination.
Until next year, The Squire Times and its staff would like to wish all its readers the very best of summers!
See you in the fall!