

It is the use of clear and distinct sounds in speech.

What are some examples of articulation activities?

  • Visual and verbal modeling of sounds (If they can't produce sounds with visual and verbal models, you may need to wait until the SLP can work with them on this and move to another sound)

  • Most important for parents is to help us with generalizing the sounds they have learned how to produce!! Generalize just means to use it outside of the speech room-in class, at home, at the park, at grandma's house, etc)

  • Listen to them read and listen for their target sound-take a count of how many they did right. Record words they mispronounced and do high repetition drill on those words to work on making them more automatic.

  • Set a timer and during that time you can "nag" them if they produce a sound incorrectly. Note on this-do not "nag" them on sounds they cannot produce, it will cause unnecessary frustration for you both!

  • Spend 5 minutes a night on high repetition drill (this just means say the word or a variety of words 100 times). This is research based and it works! Pay attention to the words they say the most in everyday life and add those to the word list to drill for that night. REMEMBER! If they can't say it, move to another word.