Family Engagement

“Simply put, parent involvement is often more of a “doing to,” while engagement is a “doing with.”  With involvement, schools tend to lead with their mouth - generally telling parents what they should be doing.  Engagement, on the other hand, has schools leading with their ears.”

 - from “Classroom Q & A” in Education Week Teacher

SPringdale Family Literacy Program

The Springdale Family Literacy Program (SPSFLP) has a mission to support parents and primary caregivers in their role as their child's first and most influential teacher. SPSFLP seeks to increase family literacy, to strengthen family-school-community connections, to increase parent participation in their child's learning, to support and celebrate the unique cultural and linguistic diversity of each community served by the program, and to promote lifelong learning.  

Recruitment Flyer 2023-24 ENG MA SP

Tips from Valentina Gonzalez for developing meaningful relationships with the parents and families of English learners and the significance of those relationships on academic success. 

Media source: ELLevation 

Research shows that a strong foundation in a student’s first language makes them more likely to be successful in their second language. 

Media source: Speak Your Language

This article gives suggestions for recruiting families for early childhood/pre-k programs. 

Media source: Colorín colorado

Community Organizations 

Arkansas Immigrant Defense

Canopy NWA

Marshallese Education Initiative

Arkansas Coalition of Marshallese 

Hispanic Women's Organization of Arkansas

Northwest Technical Institute