Grading and Expectations

Student Work

Students are to hand in their assigned work when due. Students who are absent should check in Google Classroom or with the teacher to see what was missed. Students who have missing work have until the end of the learning set to complete the work or the student will receive a missing grade or a zero for the missing work. 

Grades are entered into PowerSchool weekly. It is important for parents to be fully aware of their child’s progress and why they’re earning the grades they’re receiving. You can view your child’s grades online at any time. You must have your login to find the grades. Contact the office if you need your login.

I hope you’ll feel free to call me at  708-498-0678 or send me an e-mail at whenever you have a question about your child's grades or progress.

I don’t grade all the homework or daily papers. Quite frankly, I would be up all night if I attempted to grade everything! The students know that daily work is practice and it’s up to them to do the work and study. They don’t usually know which homework or daily work I’ll grade. I do, however, keep track of when work is in or not and use that as part of the grade.


Test grades are weighted to be 70% of a student’s grade. Tests will be given to assess students progress. Students who fail an assessment will be given the opportunity to take a reassessment after reteaching or further reviewing by the student takes place. 


Students are given classwork to complete individually, in small groups, and with partners. Classwork will be weighted to be 30% of a student´s grade. Not all classwork will be entered into the computer as a grade. Students should always be doing their best practicing the skills taught and using the notes they have been taking to successfully complete classroom assignments. If students do not feel they understand the material, they should ask me or arrange a time to receive extra help. Students should not simply go along with other’s answers, randomly fill in answers, or respond to a question with I don't know.  Students who do this will need to re-do an assignment.


Students caught cheating or plagiarizing on any assignment or test they will be given a zero. Here are the grading cutoffs:

A   90-100               D   60 - 69

B   80 - 89               F     0 - 59

C   70 - 79