Mrs. Blair 6th Science

Welcome to 6th grade science.  My name is Mrs. Blair, and I am excited to have you in class this year. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ablair@sd925.or  This year, the science department is excited to continue our IQWST program.  In 6th grade science we will explore chemistry and life science.  Our two units of study will be: 

LS1 Where Have All the Creatures Gone?

Where Have All the Creatures Gone? is a  project-based Life Science unit. This

ecosystem unit focuses on organisms’ needs for survival and what happens when those needs are

not met. Over the course of the unit investigation, students discover why food is important, how

different structures are needed by organisms to eat and reproduce, what the relationships are

between organisms (e.g. predator/prey, producer/consumer, parasite/host, and competition), and

what abiotic factors affect ecosystems.

IC1 How Can I Smell Things from a Distance?

How Can I Smell Things from a Distance? is an introduction to chemistry that

focuses on one of the core ideas in physical science—the particle of matter. Students

experience, model, and explain a variety of laboratory and everyday phenomena related to core

ideas about matter and its interactions and, more specifically, the structure and properties of

matter. The unit uses the widely experienced phenomenon of humans’ ability to smell odors to

contextualize the science ideas.