
This section will provide links to post-secondary institutions. The KRSS Counselling Department Google Classroom is also a good place to check out.

In the KRSS google classroom stream, we will try to post updates from post-secondary institutes about scholarships, entrance information, admissions, application packages and deadlines, etc.

If you have questions about your post-secondary education options, please see your school counsellors at any time to make an appointment and discuss what your future may look like after high school.

Alberta Post Secondary

Saskatchewan Post Secondary

University of Regina

University of Saskatchewan

The First Nations University of Canada

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

This is an incomplete list. Please see the school counsellor if you would like to consider further options.

Other Post Secondary options

  • Please see your school counsellor to discuss options when looking at specific post-secondary options that are not listed above. This would also relate to discussing options for attending post-secondary school outside of Canada.